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: News items

World Book Day in Mrs Robinson's class

Date: 2nd Mar 2018 @ 2:12pm

We had great fun during World Book Day. We all had fantastic costumes and we loved talking to our friends about which character we were and which book they were from. Mrs Duggan's class came over to give us our books and they were wonderful. So much effort and time had gone into them, another huge big thanks to all the children in the class. I wonder if you can guess who we came as? 

World Book Day 2018

Date: 2nd Mar 2018 @ 10:57am

We had great fun during World Book Day. We all had fantastic costumes and we loved talking to our friends about which character we were and which book they were from. Year 4 came over to give us our books and they were wonderful. So much effort and time went into them, another huge big thanks to Mr McCann's class. I wonder if you can guess who we came as? 

Do you want to build a snowman?

Date: 27th Feb 2018 @ 10:47am

We all arrived at school this morning full of excitement to find the school had been transformed into a Narnia like winter wonderland by the snow that had fallen through the night. How else could we start the day than indulging in a snowman building competition before it melted away!? The children in Mrs Sutton's class showed fanstastic teamwork and resourcefulness to build our wonderful snowman 'Edmund'. We also had great fun doing it!

Miss Carr's class in the snow

Date: 27th Feb 2018 @ 10:24am

Fun in the snow

Date: 27th Feb 2018 @ 12:52pm

Year 5 and 6 had fantastic fun building snowmen this morning.

Chinese New Year

Date: 9th Feb 2018 @ 5:56pm

Today, we looked at the celebration of Chinese New Year. We read a traditional tale from China and talked about this in our classes. Also we were able to make our own Chinese dragons, that we then used to perform our own dragon dances. We tasted some delicious prawn crackers and all really enjoyed reading the fortunes that were inside our cookies. 

 Gong Hey Fat Choy from Year 2! 

Year 2 Presentation from Community Support Officer

Date: 8th Feb 2018 @ 2:43pm

Today the Year 2 children has a presentation from Lindsay King who is a Community Support Officer for Altrincham. Lindsay talked to the children about how to stay safe online. She talked about the importance of following rules and to always make sure that parents know what you are doing online. The children listened attentively and answered questions and offered information about different apps and websites they use and access. The presentation was extremely informative and the children understood the safety messages delivered by Lindsay.

Debates with Miss Carr's class and our Year 1 buddies

Date: 8th Feb 2018 @ 2:50pm

Our School Council representatives have been working hard to prepare a debate on the topic of...

Should we have homework.

Our buddy Year 1 class - Mrs Gerrard/Mrs Burke's class came to join us and listened carefully to the debate.

Esta had some excellent points to make about how we should use our free time to join clubs and spend time with our families after a long day working in school.

Olivia argued that practising work independently at home that we have learnt at school with the teacher gives us more confidence and makes us happier to try new things. She said that we need to get as much time to practise school work as possible to get a good job when we are older.

The vote was very close

28 votes for YES we should have homework 

27 votes for NO, we shouldn't have homework 

After our careful listening and concentration we had a play outside with our buddies!


Mr McCann’s class know how to stay safe online

Date: 7th Feb 2018 @ 2:23pm

Mr McCann’s class created their own ways to stay safe online.

Mr Kerigan’s class know how to stay safe online

Date: 7th Feb 2018 @ 10:32am

Mr Kerigan’s class created songs and raps about staying safe online.

Guest speaker from a Code Computer Love

Date: 6th Feb 2018 @ 4:42pm

Today Year 5 & 6 were visited by Louis Georgiou from Code Computer Love. He talked about his digital agency including websites and apps that his company has designed. The children were quizzed about online safety and then were tasked with starting to design a new website. 

Thank you Mr Georgiou for all your hard work today. The children really enjoyed your presentation and workshop today.

Year 3 have been learning about how to stay safe online when playing video games

Date: 6th Feb 2018 @ 4:25pm

Year 3 watched an informative video and learned a song about staying safe online when playing video games.

Safer Internet Day assembly

Date: 6th Feb 2018 @ 4:19pm

The Year 6 digital leaders presented a fantastic assembly this morning to Year 3 & 4 about how to stay safe online. They performed 2 different scenarios and questioned the children about what they learned from each play.

Well done Year 6 Digital Leaders!!!

Year 4 know how to stay safe online

Date: 6th Feb 2018 @ 4:07pm

Mrs Duggan’s class have been learning about staying safe online. They made some very informative videos. 

Safer Internet Day

Date: 7th Feb 2018 @ 12:51pm

In the Infant Department we had  a very busy and informative day for Internet Safety Day. The infant children enjoyed an assembly that was presented to them by the Year 5 digital leaders. The Year 5 children  delivered online safety messages to the children through role play and drama. 

In class the children then made their own online safety badges,which we are sure provided a talking point at home.

Year 2 children also made their own digital footprints and took part in a class quiz.

Geography in Year 3

Date: 6th Feb 2018 @ 3:58pm

Mrs Farrell’s class had great fun thinking about the positive and negative reasons of living near a volcano. They thought about lots of reasons why they would like to live near one and many more about why they wouldn’t like to live near one!

Year 4 sandwich Tasting

Date: 28th Jan 2018 @ 11:14am

Last week, the Year 4 classes celebrated learning about food and nutrition by preparing their own healthy sandwiches. The children had been preparing for this in Design Technology by investigating and tasting different types of bread and then chose their own fillings. The children brought in their own ingredients and together, as a class, we prepared some mouthwatering snacks. Take a look at our photos and try not to get 'food envy.'


Date: 26th Jan 2018 @ 11:52am

Today, we had lots of fun and learning when we made electrical circuits. We used batteries, bulbs, crocodile clips and wires. We saw they only worked when we made a complete circuit or loop.

Digital Leaders Workshop

Date: 23rd Jan 2018 @ 8:08pm

Today, our Digital Leaders team attended a workshop at St John's RC Primary School. We met with 4 other schools:St Hugh's, St Elizabeth's, Holy Name and St John's to discuss our plans for the rest of the year. 

We shared ideas about what we have already done and drew up an action plan of what we want to achieve.

Healthy Sandwiches

Date: 18th Jan 2018 @ 11:48am

In Design Technology, we have been looking at the importance of a healthy diet. We have looked at nutritional information and different food groups. In class today, we had lots of fun making our final sandwich and then eating them.

Healthy Sandwiches

Date: 18th Jan 2018 @ 11:44am

In Design Technology, we have been looking at the importance of a healthy diet. We have looked at nutritional information and different food groups. In class today, we had lots of fun making our final sandwich and then eating them.

Volcanic Eruptions in Year 3

Date: 23rd Jan 2018 @ 8:38pm

Year 3 had lots of fun making their own volcanic eruptions as part of our Geography topic 'Extreme Earth'.

They worked in groups and followed the instructions to mix baking powder, vinegar, water, red food colouring and washing up liquid.

Here are some pictures of their experiments!

Christmas Stockings Miss Carr's class

Date: 18th Dec 2017 @ 11:06am

We have been making Christmas stockings. Threading the needle and tying knots were the hardest things to do!

Digital Leaders: Staying safe online campaign

Date: 17th Dec 2017 @ 9:04pm

The Digital Leaders were sent out to hand out leaflets giving advice about staying safe online this Christmas. 

We hope you all received your copy!

Well done Digital Leaders for being such excellent ambassadors.

Mrs Needham

Collective Worship - Miss Carr's class

Date: 18th Dec 2017 @ 11:09am

We planned our Advent Collective Worship

Contact the School

St Vincent's Catholic Primary School

Orchard Road,
WA15 8EY

Main Contact: Headteacher Mrs Harrop

SEND Contact: Mrs Farrell and Mrs Sutton

Tel: 0161 911 8040


We couldn't be happier with St Vincent's, our children are really happy there. - Parent Survey
It is a wonderful environment, our children are flourishing - Parent Survey
The school ethos gives the children excellent opportunities to develop their spirituality and knowledge of their faith. - Parent Survey
It is a really friendly school, I have been made to feel very welcome. - Parent Survey
We love St Vincent's, keep doing what you are doing! - Parent Survey
Pupil’s behaviour is exemplary, and they respect and care for all in the school community - Denominational Inspection
Ofsted Outstanding Provider Logo
School Games Platinum Award 2021/22-2022/23
CPD champion School
Primary Science Quality Mark 2021-2024
Dyslexia Aware 2022-2025
Diocese of Shrewsbury Logo
Music Mark School Member
United Against Bullying Silver School 2023
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Living Wage Foundation Logo
360 Safe Accredited Safer Online Logo
Primary Geography Quality Mark Gold 2021-24
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools- Silver Right Aware
Leading Parent Partnership Award 2021-2024
EDPA 2022-2025 Award
Trafford Council Inclusion Charter
Improving Children's Mental Health: Place 2 Be