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: News items

Dictionary Skills

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 12:45pm

Dictionary Skills

World Book Day 2017 - Miss Coffey's Class

Date: 29th Mar 2017 @ 7:28pm

Miss Coffey's class had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day. We all dressed up as our favourite book character and the children looked fantastic! Thank you to all the parents who helped create the fabulous costumes. Can you spot any characters you know? 

The day was filled with lots of fun and exciting activties! The Infant School had a parade in the morning to show our friends the costumes we made. Then in the afternoon Miss Coffey's Class had a visit from Mr Kerigan's Class to share a stories they had written for our Class. We enjoyed reading with our friends and talking about our favourite books.

“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax all you need is a book!” – Dr. Seuss

World Book Day

Date: 7th Apr 2017 @ 4:40pm

Our class had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day. We all dressed up as our favourite book character and the children looked fantastic! Thank you to all the parents who helped create the fabulous costumes. Can you spot any characters you know? 

The day was filled with lots of fun and exciting activties! In the morning we had a parade to show our friends the costumes we had made and then later on we had a visit from Miss Carr's Class to share a stories they had written for us. We enjoyed reading with our friends and talking about our favourite books.

World Book Day

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 10:14am

World Book Day

World Book Day 2017

Date: 1st Apr 2017 @ 10:06am

Our class really enjoyed writing and illustrating books for their year 2 friends. It was lovely to have Mrs Crook and her class in our classroom and see them smiling while we read them stories.

World Book Day 2017

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 9:50am

Year 2 had a wonderful day sharing their favorite stories and authors with the class. We created our own comic strips based on scary dinosaurs and wrote a book review. The children all looked amazing in their outfits and enjoyed showing off in the Parade. It was very difficult to choose a winner. Well done to everyone! In the morning we visited Mrs Gough's Year 6 children who had all worked very hard in creating their own short story books for each child. The children really enjoyed having their stories read to them. Thank you Year 6!

World Book Day 2017

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 9:45am

World Book Day 2017


Year 2 explored their favourite books and created our own comics before receiving our very own personalised book from Year 6.

World Book Day 2017

Date: 29th Mar 2017 @ 11:34pm

World Book Day was enjoyed by all. Each child had the opportunity to dress up as a character from their favourite book. We started the morning of with a parade in the infant hall. We then went over to Year 5 - Mrs Sutton's class where each child was given a personalised book. A big thank you once again to Year 5, the books were amazing. Although it was a very hard decision as so much effort and thought went into all costumes, the best costume winner went to Aidan who dressed up as 'The Shark in the Park'. 

World Book Day

Date: 2nd Apr 2017 @ 3:49pm

Our class really enjoyed creating their books for a Year 2 child in Mrs Jenning's class and loved reading their story to their partner.


A Letter to the Prime Minister!

Date: 21st Feb 2017 @ 2:49pm

Last Month, we were pleased to hear that one of our Year 4 pupils, Jack, had taken it upon himself to write to the Prime Minister, in order to challenge the amount of homework children receive today.  Jack attempted to persuade the Prime Minister that doing less homework would benefit his social life and sporting activities; both very important aspects of a pupil's life.

Jack received a swift reply from 10 Downing Street, thanking him for his well written letter and highlighting the importance of homework, not only in choosing a good career but also in terms of the kind of life people would like to live.  

We are of course delighted to hear that Downing Street shares our vision to make pupils the best they can be and that homework continues to be a pivotal part of academic and social development.  

Please take a look at both letters below.  Well done Jack for taking the time to use your initiative and persuasion to challenge children's rights.  It is important that children always question things that affect their lives, so they are able to make good and well reasoned decisions.  Perhaps a future in politics for our budding activist! 


Sale Sharks Touch Rugby

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 12:41pm

Sale Sharks Touch Rugby

Yogurt Pot Telephones

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 12:41pm

Yoghurt Pot Telephones

Nature Sculptures

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 9:58am

Nature Sculptures


To top off our Art topic about art in nature, Year 2 made our own nature sculptures using natural objects collected from home. Naturally, we were very creative! 

Chinese New Year

Date: 8th Feb 2017 @ 2:31pm

Mrs Gough/O'Keefe's class had a special visit from Xinyi's mum who came to talk to us about Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year 2017 falls between 28th January and 15th February - beginning on the first day of a new moon and ending with the full moon on the day of the Lantern Festival. As the Chinese calendar is based on the lunar year, so the date of Chinese New Year changes every year.

Chinese New Year is the most important of the Chinese holidays, and is a time of feasting with the family, celebration, fireworks and gift-giving. Children usually receive money in red and gold wallets and they watch parades which include a brightly coloured dragon.

The Chinese calendar follows a 12-year pattern with each year named after an animal - this year it's the Rooster! There are various stories which explain this. The simplest is that the Emperor invited all of the animals to join him for a New Year celebration, but only 12 animals turned up. To reward the animals that did come, Buddha named a year after each of them in the order that they arrived, starting with the Rat, followed by the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (or Sheep), Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

Do you know which animal year you were born in? In this class we are either Roosters (2005 birthdays) or Dogs (2006 birthdays). Mrs Gough was born in the year of the Monkey!

Staying Safe Online

Date: 8th Feb 2017 @ 8:20pm

We celebrated Safer Internet Day 2017 this week. Keeping safe online is extremely important to us at St. Vincent's and so is always at the forefront of our minds. We welcomed Carl Buchanan, a local Community Safety Officer, and considered how we can be respectful and respected whilst using the internet as well as the potential hazards we could face. He also explained the different types of cyber-bullying including trickery, harrassment and outing.

Back in class, children looked at the power of images and the perception they can give. They were also asked to think about how they can make a diffference and make a change for the better. To follow-up the activities from this week, the Year 6 Digital Leaders are in the process of making a movie of cyber-bullying scenarios, the aim of this to educate and generate further discussion. 

Remember: Don't be a bully, be a BUDDY!


Date: 5th Feb 2017 @ 8:20pm

We were delighted to welcome  Newsround presenters to our school. They asked us if  we wanted to send good luck messages to the teams in the Six Nations RugbyTournament. We wished everyone the best of luck. Did you see us? If not, just click here to see our wonderful presenters in action!


Collective Worship

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 10:00am

The children have been taking turns to plan and lead collective worship sessions for each other. These sessions have been incredibly prayerful and thought provoking.

Chinese New Year

Date: 1st Apr 2017 @ 9:55am

We had a special visit from Xinyi’s mum. She talked to us all about the celebrations for Chinese New Year and how this will be the year of the Rooster. The children in our class were either born in the year of the Rooster or the Dog! Mrs Lian also brought in some special items for us to look at; a dragon puppet and a money wallet which children traditionally receive a gift in at Chinese New Year.

A Parent's Blog on Internet Safety

Date: 25th Jan 2017 @ 10:30pm

We are very grateful to one of our parents who has written a blog about how she keeps her children safe when they use the internet at home.  The blog has some very useful thoughts and links to important information regarding Internet Safety, filtering and monitoring information for mobile devices and game machines as well as links to to practical information regarding Internet Safety.  Please find a direct link to this blog by clicking here.  

Collective Worship

Date: 10th Apr 2017 @ 2:31pm

We enjoy having quiet time to listen to the Word, reflect and pray together.

Our Pupil Voice: Pupil Learning Committee

Date: 26th Jan 2017 @ 8:56am

Last Friday, 20th January we held our first 'Pupil Learning Committee' meeting. A representative from each class at St. Vincent's makes up the committee and our main focus for this term is supporting the work on making our school more dyslexia friendly.

We discussed what being dyslexic means and some members of the committee explained that they were dyslexic and how this affects them at school. This was really interesting and the committee dicussed the types of strategies and support materials that were currently available in their classrooms and came up with some really good ideas about how to improve our provision.

For our next meeting, Miss Butler who is leading the Dyslexia Friendly Strategy will be presenting to the committee about dyslexia. We will then be discussing how to make our school even more dyslexia friendly and plan a learning walk for the following meeting where we will be checking that all classrooms and surrounding areas promote a dyslexia friendly approach.

We will keep you posted!


For more information on some of our activities, take a look at our news items about ' No Pens Wednesday!


Healthy Sandwiches

Date: 10th Apr 2017 @ 2:56pm

We have been learning about which foods make up a healthy diet, which we should eat more of and which foods should be a treat. We tasted different breads to design a healthy sandwich with fillings that we would enjoy. Making the sandwiches was fun but the best part was eating them - delicious!

Design Technology

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 12:38pm

Design Technology

Care Home Carols

Date: 13th Dec 2016 @ 6:53pm

The Y5/6 Mini Vinnies and some of the Choir had plenty of festive cheer when we visited a local Care Home this week. The residents of Heathside Care Home in Altrincham gave us all a very warm welcome as we performed Christmas carols. There was plenty of singing and clapping along in all the right places; it was really lovely to see lots of happy faces and to be able to share our beautiful voices with the local community. We took along some treats and were able to chat over a snack and a drink after singing. It was especially lovely to meet a particular lady called Barbara who used to be a St Vincent's pupil herself! 

Look up to the stars

Date: 10th Apr 2017 @ 3:02pm

Mrs Riley came in to talk to us about her incredible job at Jodrell Bank. We learnt about different stars and the planets in our solar system!

Contact the School

St Vincent's Catholic Primary School

Orchard Road,
WA15 8EY

Main Contact: Headteacher Mrs Harrop

SEND Contact: Mrs Farrell and Mrs Sutton

Tel: 0161 911 8040


We couldn't be happier with St Vincent's, our children are really happy there. - Parent Survey
It is a wonderful environment, our children are flourishing - Parent Survey
The school ethos gives the children excellent opportunities to develop their spirituality and knowledge of their faith. - Parent Survey
It is a really friendly school, I have been made to feel very welcome. - Parent Survey
We love St Vincent's, keep doing what you are doing! - Parent Survey
Pupil’s behaviour is exemplary, and they respect and care for all in the school community - Denominational Inspection
Ofsted Outstanding Provider Logo
School Games Platinum Award 2021/22-2022/23
CPD champion School
Primary Science Quality Mark 2021-2024
Dyslexia Aware 2022-2025
Diocese of Shrewsbury Logo
Music Mark School Member
United Against Bullying Silver School 2023
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Living Wage Foundation Logo
360 Safe Accredited Safer Online Logo
Primary Geography Quality Mark Gold 2021-24
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools- Silver Right Aware
Leading Parent Partnership Award 2021-2024
EDPA 2022-2025 Award
Trafford Council Inclusion Charter
Improving Children's Mental Health: Place 2 Be