Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
The aim of our Languages curriculum is to:
- Give children the opportunity to speak and listen in another language.
- Develop children’s cultural awareness of a different country where English is not the first language.
- Ensure that children have the confidence, knowledge and skills to converse on a basic level in another language and the desire to develop this further.
How Modern Foreign Languages links with our school values:
Be Kind - We are resilient learners, being confident to demonstrate our spoken language skills, evaluating our efforts positivelye are resilient learners, being confident to demonstrate our spoken language skills, evaluating our efforts positively.
Be Respectful - We develop respect and tolerance for others by learning about different genres and cultures.
Be Passionate about Learning - We challenge ourselves to learn all aspects of another language and culture.
Make a Difference - We develop our language skills, ready to explore the wider world.
At St Vincent’s we aspire to make the learning ambitious for all learners. Our school curriculum includes the knowledge, skills and life experiences children need to thrive. Our learning is carefully planned and sequenced using the National Curriculum that can be found below:
Knowledge and skills are built on from previous years and there is clear progression in each subject. You can see an overview of progression below:
Each curriculum area is taught across the year and evidenced on a long term plan, divided into half termly blocks. You can see the long term plan below:
French Developments Spring 2024