01/04/2025: KS2 Lenten Service - Holy Angels Church

We are delighted that you are interested in St Vincent's Catholic Primary School. We are proud that St Vincent's was judged outstanding by Ofsted in all areas in June 2024. This outstanding judgement shows our commitment to creating a curriculum resulting in high standards of attainment and achievements. Our pupils are offered a wide range of opportunities and experience high levels of success. Our pupils thrive. They reach their potential and grow into self assured and confident learners. As a Catholic school we work in partnership with children, parents, governors, staff and with our churches; Holy Angels in Hale Barns and St Vincent's in Altrincham.
Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make for your child. We are here to help you through this process. On this page you will find out how to apply for a place at St Vincent's Catholic Primary School. In order to fully appreciate the high standards we have, and the opportunities we offer at St Vincent's, we invite all prospective parents to visit us to meet our wonderful children and to see the school in action on our next open day event which will be held in October 2025. More details will follow nearer the time.
We are an inclusive community and all faiths are able to apply for a place at St Vincent's. We value and celebrate diversity and all are very welcome to apply for a place. Please see our school prospectus for more information about our school:
Our next open morning event will be held in October 2025. More details about the event will be available nearer the time.
Did you know?
We are an outstanding school Ofsted June 2024.
We are proud to be the highest attaining primary school in Trafford local authority for age related expectations, and those reaching the higher standard in 2024.
We received a letter from the Minister for Schools congratulating us on our Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check results, stating St Vincent's is in the top 200 schools in England.
We received a letter from the Minister for Schools congratulating us on our phonics results, stating St Vincent's is in the top 4% of schools nationally.
We received a letter from Sir Graham Brady congratulating us on our excellent key stage two test results.
We hold many externally accredited awards, these include: Science Quality Mark, Geography Quality Mark, Platinum School Games Mark, Music Mark, 360 IT Safe Mark, Dyslexia Friendly Award, Well-being Award, Leading Parent Partnership Award, Rights Respecting School Award, Excellence in Pupil Development Award, Anti Bullying Award and ECO Award.
We offer an enriched, broad and balanced curriculum.
We offer a varied programme of clubs after school.
We offer outstanding before and after childcare provision on site.
We offer outstanding school holiday childcare provision on site.
We offer a birth to 4/5yrs all year round nursery on site.
We offer school education from 4-11 years.
There is something for everyone at St Vincent's and we look forward to welcoming you into our St Vincent family.
How to apply for a Reception Class Place
Please find below the steps to help you apply for a reception class place at St Vincent's.
You will need to apply to both Trafford (using the online form) AND to the school (supplementary form).
Complete an application form found on with Trafford admissionshttps://www.trafford.gov.uk/residents/schools/school-admissions/School-admissions.aspx
In addition to the Trafford application form, it is essential that parents/carers complete the school supplementary application form. The supplementary form must be returned to the school office by 15 January 2025. This is essential in aiding us apply our over subscription criteria listed in our admission policy.
Please phone the school office 0161 911 8040 if you have further questions or want to check we have received your application supplementary form.
Admission Policies
Parish Boundary Map (catchment area)
In Year Admissions: Reception to Year 6
An application can be made for a school place at any time outside the admission round, and the child will be admitted where there are available places. Applications can be made to the school by post or email. School Admissions, St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School, Orchard Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA15 8EY. Please also email admissions@stvincents.trafford.sch.uk application documents if you wish.
Families wishing to register their interest in a place at St Vincent's should either phone the school to give details for your child/ren or complete and return the supplementary application form. Where there are places available but more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria, as set out in the admission arrangements policy, will be applied. Parents are advised to read the admission arrangements policy carefully before making their application. If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list. You will be advised of the outcome of your application in writing. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application within 15 school days of receipt. You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel if your application is unsuccessful. If you have any questions in relation to in-year admissions please contact the school office (0161 911 8040) and we will be happy to help you. You may also wish to discuss in-year applications with the local authority, as below.
Appeal For a Place (Voluntary Aided Primary School Appeal Hearings)
If you wish to appeal, please read the Trafford School Appeals Section of the Website or contact the Democratic Services Department on Tel. No. 0161 912 2798 to request an appeal form. Click on this link to see the Voluntary Aided Primary School Appeal Hearings Timetable: 2025 Primary School Appeal Timetable
As applications for in-year admissions are a separate process, please note that Trafford aim for the appeal to be heard within 30 school days of receipt of the form. Parents/carers will receive at least 10 school days' notice of an appeal hearing. A decision letter will be sent within 5 days of the hearing wherever possible.
Contact the School
St Vincent's Catholic Primary School
Orchard Road,
WA15 8EY
Main Contact: Headteacher Mrs Harrop
SEND Contact: Mrs Farrell and Mrs Sutton