School Performance Data
St Vincent's Catholic Primary School performs consistently well above the national average.
We are committed to ensuring the highest standards of attainment through the highest quality of teaching and learning. Our curriculum is devised to meet the needs of all of our pupils. The curriculum is broad and balanced and is enriched with a variety of experiences. This leads to excellent attainment. Please find DfE Performance tables and our school performance data below.
St Vincent's Catholic Primary School Performance can be seen on this link:'s-catholic-primary-school
Other achievements include:
We have received a letter from Rt Hon Damian Hinds, Minister for Schools congratulating us on being in the top 2% of schools in the country for our Year 6 SATS results.
We also received a further congratulatory letter from Rt Hon Damian Hinds, Minister for Schools congratulating us on being in the top 4% of schools in the country for our Year 1 Phonics Screening Check results.
We were delighted to receive another letter from Rt Hon Damian Hinds, Minister for Schools congratulating us on being in the top 200 schools in the country for our Year 4 Multpilication Table Check results.
Please do read the letters below:
Congratulatory letter from Rt Hon Damian Hinds on our Year 6 SATS results 2023
Congratulatory letter from Rt Hon Damian Hinds on our Year 1 PSC results in 2023
Congratulatory letter from Rt Hon Damian Hinds on our Year 4 MTC results in 2023
We were also ranked in the top ten schools in Greater Manchester in the Real School Guide. Please follow this link for more details. St Vincent's Top 10 in Greater Manchester
The Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, then Minister for Schools, wrote to congratulate St Vincent's on our outstanding 2022 Multiplication checks in Year 4: Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP letter
We received a letter from Sir Graham Brady MP congratulationg us on our fantastic 2018 Key Stage 2 results: Sir Graham Brady MP letter
For financial performance, please see the link to the Schools financial benchmarking data No staff earn a gross salary of 100k or more from the school.
Please see our school performance data below: