Term Dates and Times of the School Day
Please note that holidays are not permitted in term time and are recorded as an unauthorised absence.
The School Day
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children can enter their classroom at 8:45am to start their morning activity.
The bell goes and the day starts at 9am.
The days ends at 3:30pm.
Children should be collected from their classroom door. This equates to 6 and a half hours a day.
Year 3,4,5 and 6 children can enter their classroom at 8:40am to start their morning activity.
The bell goes and the day starts at 8:55am.
The day ends at 3:25pm.
Children should be collected from their classroom doors. This equates to 6 and a half hours a day.
The times for infant and junior drop off and collection times are different to enable parents to move between departments to be on time to collect their child. All children are in school for 32.5 hours a week.