Pupil Premium
Click here for Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-25
Pupil Premium Developments Spring 2024
Pupil Premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils.
Eligibility for Pupil Premium funding can include:
- Children who have been registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years
- Children who have been in care for six months or longer
- Children who are adopted or are subject to special guardianship
- Children whose families are in receipt of certain benefits
- Service children in mainstream schools
The Pupil Premium funding is paid to schools and is used to provide additional educational support to improve the progress and to raise the standard of achievement for these children where appropriate. We recognise that children who are entitled to pupil premium may face challenges such as poor language and communication skills, lack of confidence and issues with attendance and punctuality. The pupil premium grant is intended to benefit the children who are eligible, where necessary, helping to narrow the gap between them and their classmates.
“Closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers is the greatest challenge facing schools. The gap is stubborn because its causes are entrenched and complex, and most lie beyond the control of schools and educators. However, it is clear that schools can make a difference. In England, the gap has closed in both primary and secondary schools since the introduction of the Pupil Premium, and in every part of the country schools have demonstrated how great teaching and careful planning can make a huge impact on the outcomes of disadvantaged children.”
Education Endowment Foundation - The EEF Guide to Pupil Premium
At St Vincent's, we ensure that the additional funding reaches the children who need it most and that it makes a significant impact on their education and lives.
We use our Pupil Premium grant to focus on four key areas:
- Promoting positive outcomes
- Enriching the curriculum
- Providing pastoral care
- Assistanceto access extra curricular and cultural capital opportunities
There is significant and extensive evidence associating childhood social and emotional skills with improved outcomes at school and in later life. With this in mind we have a significant focus on promoting and ensuring positive mental health throughout the school. Mrs Gee and Mrs E Sutton are both ELSA trained, and provide Pastoral support are and have undertaken training in a range of different issues affecting children's mental health and wellbeing. Teachers can refer children to the Pastoral Care team and children can self-refer through Natter Notes or informal chats.
Mrs Leather supports pupils across the school in receipt of Pupil Premium to make excellent academic progress. This support involves activities such as:
- Curriculum support individually or in small groups
- Consolidation of previous learning
- Pre-teaching of vocabulary
- Coaching and booster sessions
- Additional challenge and extension work
Outcomes for our pupils remain our priority and teaching is adapted so that pupils reach their individual potential. We monitor the progress of pupils on pupil premium very closely. Termly progress meetings are held with Senior Management, teachers and the Pupil Premium lead with input from TAs delivering intervention to discuss not only the academic attainment of the child, but the take up of enrichment and extra curriculum activities so that the pupil has an opportunitiy to learn skills beyond the taught curriculum. This also helps to develop cultural captital.
Pupil Premium Funding and the impact of the funding on pupil progress is a regular item on the agenda for governors' meetings. Governors receive updates on how pupil premium funding is having an impact on academic and pastoral outcomes. The link governor visits school regularly and reviews the impact of funding on outcomes.
Pupil Premium Senior Leader - Mrs Farrell (Infant Deputy Headteacher)
Pupil Premium Teacher - Mrs Leather
Pupil Premium Pastoral Staff - Mrs E Sutton, Mrs Gee
Pupil Premium Link Governor - Mrs Kilburn