The Intent of our maths curriculum is to:
- Equip children with the skills to become confident, competent and fluent mathematicians.
- Enable children to reason critically and problem solve confidently.
- Equip children to be confident with applying their mathematics to real-life contexts so they can apply their learning to the wider world.
How Maths links with our school values:
Be Kind - We work collaboratively knowing that our understanding develops when we share our ideas.
Be Respectful - We value mistakes, learn to take pride in our achievements and can articulate our success. We understand that success may be different for other people.
Be Passionate about Learning - We develop our resilience and perseverance by challenging ourselves in our work.
Make a Difference - We develop problem solving skills to be ready for the next stage of our lives and make a difference in the world.
At St Vincent’s we aspire to make the learning ambitious for all learners. Our school curriculum includes the knowledge, skills and life experiences children need to thrive. Our learning is carefully planned and sequenced using the National Curriculum that can be found below:
National Curriculum Mathematics
Knowledge and skills are built on from previous years and there is clear progression in each subject. You can see an overview of progression below:
Each curriculum area is taught across the year and evidenced on a long term plan, divided into half termly blocks. You can see the long term plan below:
Maths Developments Spring 1 2024
Maths Developments Spring 2 2024