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Wellbeing at St. Vincent's

We take the physical and mental wellbeing of all seriously. Our curriculum is designed to teach children about how to care for their physical and emotional wellbeing. Children know who to talk to if they are worried about something. We encourage parents to talk to us about how children are at home and about how they feel about life at school so that we can help, and intervene early. 

We use the Jigsaw scheme of work to teach children about personal, social and health education. British Values feature highly, together with spiritual, moral, social and cultural education. Please see the files below to learn about the curriculum is structured in more detail. 

We have pupil Wellbeing Champions. Children from across the school plan activities for us to enjoy over the year, including Anti-Bullying and Friendship week.

We promote a healthy diet. School lunches are tasty and nutritious and we encourage children to bring in healthy snacks. We drink plenty of water to keep ourselves hydrated as we know that this is linked to better performance in the classroom and supports general wellbeing.

Everyone at St. Vincent’s is responsible for pastoral care and we have additional members of staff who oversee this provision. Children know that if they need to speak to a grown up about something, they can ask a member of staff or see pastoral staff. Children can use Talk Tokens or Natter Notes if they want to. Children can visit pastoral staff in the pastoral rooms, or see staff in school when they are along corridors or outside at break times and lunch times.

Information for Parents:

Emotional Wellbeing

The emotional wellbeing of children is just as important as their physical health. Good mental health allows children to cope with difficulties and become resilient, healthy adults. Actions that can help keep children include:

  • being in good physical health, eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise
  • having time and the freedom to play, indoors and outdoors
  • being part of a loving family who can seek help where needed
  • going to a school that looks after the wellbeing of all pupils
  • taking part in local activities for young people

Other factors are also important, including:

  • feeling loved, trusted, understood, valued and safe
  • being interested in life and having opportunities to enjoy themselves
  • being hopeful and optimistic
  • being able to learn and having opportunities to succeed
  • accepting who they are and recognising what they are good at
  • having a sense of belonging in their family, school and community
  • feeling they have some control over their own life
  • having the strength to cope when something is wrong (resilience) and the ability to solve problems.

Most children grow up mentally healthy, but surveys suggest that more children and young people have problems with their mental health today than 30 years ago. That is probably because of changes in the way we live now and how that affects the experience of growing up.

What mental health problems commonly occur in children?

There are several types of mental health problems that children may encounter for example; feeling low or depressed, self-harming or post-traumatic stress.

What help is available?

Parental help

If children have a warm, open relationship with their parents, children will usually feel able to tell them if they are troubled. One of the most important ways parents can help is to listen to them and take their feelings seriously. They may want a hug, they may want you to help them change something or they may want practical help. Children and young people’s negative feelings usually pass. However, it’s very imprtant that parents speak with the class teacher and/ or SENDCo if your child is anxious so that we can help.

School support

Our pastoral team and our SENDCos can offer support to children and families. Here are some of the ways we can help:

  • emotional support for bereaved families and signposting to external support agencies
  • support for pupils experiencing friendship difficulties
  • support for families new to the school
  • strategies for parents to support their child’s wellbeing and health and signposting where necessary
  • support for children and families in difficult circumstances

Professional help

If your child is having emotional difficulties it is important that you let us know so that your child can have early intervention. A teacher, SENDCo, pastoral staff, school nurse or educational psychologist will be able to help. In addition, you can go to your GP or speak to a health visitor. These professionals are able to refer a child for further help. Different professionals often work together at Healthy Young Minds (formerly Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services CAMHS) .

Our School accesses support from Place2Be. Our trained counsellor carries out counselling sessions with children and works with parents and staff to provide effective support.

Healthy Young Minds offer specialist services to children and young people who are experiencing mental health difficulties. They help children and young people up to the age of 18 years and provide assessment and intervention and support to their families/carers. Healthy Young Minds Trafford are based at Sale Waterside Tel: 0161 716 4747. Please talk to the relevant SENDCo about a referral so that we can all work in partnership.  

The Counselling and Family Centre in Altrincham have provided training for staff and offer a range of services to support families. Telephone: 0161 941 7754. Website:  

Talking it through

Assessments and treatments for children and young people with mental health difficulties put a lot of emphasis on talking and on understanding the problem in order to work out the best way to tackle it. For young children, this may be done through play. Most of the time, the action that professionals recommend is not complex and it often involves the rest of the family. Your child may be referred to a specialist who is trained to help them explore their feelings and behaviour. This kind of treatment is called a talking therapy, psychological therapy or counselling.

Organisations that can help

Please see the list and files below 

ChildLine 08001111

Healthy Young Minds 

Contact a Family for families with disabled children

Family Lives support for families on a range of issues


Contact the School

St Vincent's Catholic Primary School

Orchard Road,
WA15 8EY

Main Contact: Headteacher Mrs Harrop

SEND Contact: Mrs Farrell and Mrs Sutton

Tel: 0161 911 8040


We couldn't be happier with St Vincent's, our children are really happy there. - Parent Survey
It is a wonderful environment, our children are flourishing - Parent Survey
The school ethos gives the children excellent opportunities to develop their spirituality and knowledge of their faith. - Parent Survey
It is a really friendly school, I have been made to feel very welcome. - Parent Survey
Pupils are happy and flourish at this exceptional school - Ofsted Inspection
Pupil’s behaviour is exemplary, and they respect and care for all in the school community - Denominational Inspection
Ofsted Outstanding Provider Logo
School Games Platinum Award 2023/24-2024/25
CPD champion School
Primary Science Quality Mark 2021-2024
Dyslexia Aware 2022-2025
Diocese of Shrewsbury Logo
Music Mark School Member
United Against Bullying Silver School 2023
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Living Wage Foundation Logo
360 Safe Accredited Safer Online Logo
Primary Geography Quality Mark Gold 2021-24
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools- Silver Right Aware
Leading Parent Partnership Award 2021-2024
EDPA 2022-2025 Award
Trafford Council Inclusion Charter
Improving Children's Mental Health: Place 2 Be
CAFOD Live Simply Award
History Gold Award 2024