Welcome to St Vincent's Catholic Primary School
Welcome to St Vincent's Catholic Primary School. St Vincent's is a happy and successful school. We are proud to have received Outstanding judgements in all areas in our recent Ofsted inspection and RE inspection.
We are a caring Catholic community and offer a welcoming environment where the uniqueness of each child is valued and celebrated. Christ is at the centre of our school. Our school philosophy is outlined in our Mission Statement. It reflects our commitment to Catholic education in a happy, supportive and inclusive environment. Our school motto, 'Let Your Light Shine' encapsulates our school mission. Our St Vincent values are taught through the curriculum and assemblies and are demonstrated through our relationships, where all show care and respect for members of our school family.
At St Vincent's Catholic Primary School, we work as a team. Parents, staff, governors, and the Holy Angels and St Vincent's parish community are all involved in the education of our children. We believe that a genuine home, school and parish partnership is essential in order for your child to thrive.
Our children love their school and thrive on the ambitious and carefully sequenced curriculum we have in place. We believe in providing a first class education for all pupils. We know that in order to achieve this, our children need to be happy, safe and inspired to learn during their time with us.
Experienced and dedicated staff ensure that all our children benefit from a curriculum that is adapted to their individual needs. We are fortunate to have extensive school grounds, which we utilise for forest school sessions, sport, drama, gardening and outdoor learning.
Our school values show that it is our vision for every child to show kindness and respect to each other. We shape our children to have a passion for learning and to make a difference in the world. We inspire children and open doors to ambition and possibilities; striving for and achieving excellence.
Many of our children start their St Vincent's journey in our nursery. Our nursery provides quality childcare provision from 0-5yrs and allows for a smooth transition into the school. We also offer quality before, after school and holiday care through our Sunshine Club on site.
If you would like to visit St Vincent's, you are very welcome to come along to our next Open Event in October 2025, please visit the admissions page nearer the time for more information about the date and to book a place.
Mrs A.Harrop