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Our News items

Half term Science project

Date: 3rd Nov 2017 @ 10:00am

Over the half term break, Year 5 were given a Science project to complete. Children made a range of space type craft such as Space shuttles, space maps and my favourite of all- space cookies and biscuits!

The children worked extremely hard and their work is displayed all around our classroom.

Well done everyone!

Farm to Fork

Date: 7th Nov 2017 @ 2:50pm

Last week Year 2 went to Tesco for our Farm to Fork school trip. The day began by meeting Charlene and Beth who were teaching us about healthy living. We went on a hunt to find as many different coloured fruit and vegetables as we could. After that we learnt about how much sugar we were allowed to eat in a day. Lots of us were shocked to find out that some cereals have lots of sugar in, some even have more than our daily allowance! We then got to try some tasty healthy snacks. Finally we all got ingredients to make our very own muesli. We had a great day and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you to Tesco and as always, thank you to our parent helpers who helped out. 

Science Space Projects - Miss Carr's class

Date: 31st Oct 2017 @ 12:34pm

We have all produced Space projects as part of our holiday homework. Some people made space themed biscuits, some people wrote poems, made a collage or built a rocket! Take a look at our amazing creations!

United Nations Day

Date: 19th Oct 2017 @ 9:27pm

Today we celebrated United Nations Day. In Reception we found out lots of information about France. During the day we took part in a variety of fun and exciting activities linked with this country. We made an Eiffel Tower hat and a French flag to wave. Later on, we had our very own french food tasting banquet, consisting of french bread, brie, pain au chocolat and brioche. It was delicious! We also took part in a parade with the nursery children to show what we had made. It was a 'French-tastic' day! 

United Nations Day

Date: 25th Oct 2017 @ 8:09pm

Today we celebrated United Nations Day. In Reception we found out lots of information about France. During the day we took part in a variety of fun and exciting activities linked with this country. We made an Eiffel Tower hat and a French flag to wave. Later on, we had our very own french food tasting banquet, consisting of french bread, brie, pain au chocolat and brioche. It was delicious! We also took part in a parade with the nursery children to show what we had made. It was a 'French-tastic' day! 

United Nations Day

Date: 20th Oct 2017 @ 4:19pm

Today we celebrated United Nations Day. In Reception we found out lots of information about France. During the day we took part in a variety of fun and exciting activities linked with this country. We made an Eiffel Tower hat and a French flag to wave. Later on, we had our very own french food tasting banquet, consisting of french bread, brie, pain au chocolat and brioche. It was delicious! We also took part in a parade with the nursery children to show what we had made. It was a 'French-tastic' day! 

United Nations Day

Date: 20th Oct 2017 @ 2:35pm

Today we have been celebrating United Nations Day by learning all about Mexico. We were very lucky to have some very special visitors who brought Mexico to life for us with their interactive session! The children took part in a Mexican wave, danced to Mexican music and spoke some Spanish. Later on we made Mexican hats and flags and took part in a United Nations parade. Finally we had a food tasting session which included some baked Mexican delicacies! 


The The children said

"I liked the lovely, beautiful dancing in Mexico." Bethan

"I enjoyed the piñata" JP

"The music was lots of fun." Charlotte


Thank you so much to the Mums who kindly gave up their time to visit us this morning - it was a fabulous session! 

Wellbeing Week

Date: 19th Oct 2017 @ 1:11pm

As part of Wellbeing Week Year 1 had a yoga session, we learnt to perform a variety of yoga poses. We then performed them to the rest of the group. The Year 1 teachers were really impressed at how much we had remembered from our previous session in week 1.

Well done everyone! 

Trafford Tag Rugby Tournament

Date: 18th Oct 2017 @ 9:19pm

Today we took part in the Trafford Tag Rugby Tournament. After playing 3 league games, with which we won 2 games and lost one, we progressed to the semi finals.

Hale Prep were the opposition, after a terrific match, unfortunately we lost 5-4. The children were excellent throughout and everyone had a fantastic morning.

Well done everyone!

Georgia O'Keefe

Date: 1st Apr 2017 @ 10:18am

We have been learning about the artist Georgia O'keefe. We created our own versions of her Poppies masterpiece using various different media including paint, collage, oil pastel and even the iPad! 

Our first half term in year 3!

Date: 18th Oct 2017 @ 10:09am

We have had a busy first half term and everyone is settling in well. In English we enjoyed reading, writing and performing poetry and learning how to use dictionaries. In Maths we have been learning about 3D shapes and have been making models using straws and nets. As part of our ‘Amazing Bodies’ topic in Science, we were fortunate to have Mrs Allen and Mrs McCormack come into to school to talk to us about nutrition and how our bones and muscles work. During our final week we are also learning about the Sacrament of Baptism in Religion and will be carrying out our own mock Baptism on Thursday. 

Sports Leaders trip to Old Trafford.

Date: 18th Oct 2017 @ 2:15pm

On Tuesday the school Sports Leaders went to Old Trafford as part of their leadership programme. Lily, Daniel, Oskar and Isabel attended workshops, took part in a stadium tour and created their own sports lessons.

During the morning session they listened to some very inspirational Paralympians speak about their achievements and involvement in sport.


A trip from the dentist

Date: 20th Oct 2017 @ 11:57am

Mr Ashley and Miss Taylor came to talk to Year 6 about dental hygiene and the importance of looking after our teeth. The children had a fantastic afternoon and learnt so much! 

Firemen visit Year 6

Date: 13th Oct 2017 @ 5:04pm

Today Year 6 had a visit from Altrincham Fire Service to discuss staying safe around haloween and bonfire night. 

They had fantastic questions to ask the firemen and Miss Coyle was chosen to try on the outfit that is worn when fighting a fire! 

Art - Miss Carr's class

Date: 5th Oct 2017 @ 12:59pm

We have painted abstract Autumn leaf pictures and investigated colour and tone using paint.

Collective worship

Date: 11th Oct 2017 @ 9:54am

Year 1 have been learning about promises. In our collective worship we read the story of Noah's Ark and God's promise to Noah. We discussed what we are proud of and what promises we are going to make.  We have all made our very own rainbow promises which will be displayed in our classrooms.

Year 6 making blood

Date: 13th Oct 2017 @ 4:53pm

As part of our current Science topic, How My Body Works, we looked at what is in blood. We were then able to make our own version of blood to help us remember each part and its function! 

Where The Wild Things Are

Date: 6th Oct 2017 @ 1:30pm

This week we have been looking at the story Where The Wild Things Are. We have been looking at the verbs in the story and we made our very own verb rap with actions. Later in the week we all went into the 'forest' and found clues from the Wild Things. They left rotten, yellow teeth that were as sharp as a silver sword. They also left brown, soft fur that was as fluffy as a cuddle teddy bear. We all came up with similes and tried to include adjectives too! Look at the pictures to see what else they found! 

'No Pen Wednesday'

Date: 5th Oct 2017 @ 4:47pm

At St Vincent's we are a dyslexia friendly school and to celebrate every different type of learning yesterday we took part in 'No Pen Wednesday'. In Year 5 we spent the day enjoying multi-sensory learning through Maths, PE, Art, Music and Spoken Language. In Art we explored colour and tone by experimenting with a range of paints. The artwork is part of a project which is inspired by 'Charles Renee McIntosh' and we can't wait to see what we'll be doing next!

Music - Miss Carr's class

Date: 5th Oct 2017 @ 1:55pm

We have been exploring the song "Livin' on a prayer" by Bon Jovi.

We listened to the song and thought about the instruments we could hear, the vocals and how the song is made up. Then we learnt to sing along to the song. Yesterday we practiced playing along using glockenspiels.

Fun on No Pens Wednesday!

Date: 6th Oct 2017 @ 12:58pm

This week was Dyslexia Awareness Week and we all took part in No Pens Wednesday. We started the day with a verb action rap followed by conscience alley focusing on the story 'Where the Wild Things Are'. We discussed whether the forest grew in Max's room and explained our reasons why we thought that. We discussed feelings and emotions also. We then moved onto our maths lesson where we learnt about the properties of 3D shapes, made nets and played interactive maths games. In Science, we catergorised items into living, non living and never lived.

We all throughly enjoyed our day and we learnt lots without picking up a pencil or pen! 

Ancient Greek Art

Date: 3rd Oct 2017 @ 11:55am

We had great fun examining Ancient Greece and the art that they produced. We looked at vases and plates and then had a go at making our own...

Gaelic Football

Date: 3rd Oct 2017 @ 10:04am

Year 4 have been having great fun learning Gaelic Football. We have learnt how to pass the ball and the zones we can score from. The games have been great fun too! 

Gaelic Football

Date: 1st Oct 2017 @ 11:05am

In Year 4 we have been learning to play Gaelic Football with sessions every Tuesday morning with a Gaelic football coach. Most of the children in our class are new to the sport but that has not stopped them from being incredibly enthusiastic and determined in these sessions. As a result, we have spotted some very talented Gaelic footballers in our class. The children now look forward to this session every week. The coaching for Year 4 will stop at the end of this half-term but those still keen to play can join Mr Sands' after school Gaelic Club.

The Rosary with Year 5

Date: 1st Nov 2017 @ 6:12am

On the 6th October Year 1 and Year 5 came together to pray The Rosary. The children made the session very peaceful and prayerful and enjoyed the opportunity to share an activity. 

Contact the School

St Vincent's Catholic Primary School

Orchard Road,
WA15 8EY

Main Contact: Headteacher Mrs Harrop

SEND Contact: Mrs Farrell and Mrs Sutton

Tel: 0161 911 8040


We couldn't be happier with St Vincent's, our children are really happy there. - Parent Survey
It is a wonderful environment, our children are flourishing - Parent Survey
The school ethos gives the children excellent opportunities to develop their spirituality and knowledge of their faith. - Parent Survey
It is a really friendly school, I have been made to feel very welcome. - Parent Survey
Pupils are happy and flourish at this exceptional school - Ofsted Inspection
Pupil’s behaviour is exemplary, and they respect and care for all in the school community - Denominational Inspection
Ofsted Outstanding Provider Logo
School Games Platinum Award 2021/22-2022/23
CPD champion School
Primary Science Quality Mark 2021-2024
Dyslexia Aware 2022-2025
Diocese of Shrewsbury Logo
Music Mark School Member
United Against Bullying Silver School 2023
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Living Wage Foundation Logo
360 Safe Accredited Safer Online Logo
Primary Geography Quality Mark Gold 2021-24
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools- Silver Right Aware
Leading Parent Partnership Award 2021-2024
EDPA 2022-2025 Award
Trafford Council Inclusion Charter
Improving Children's Mental Health: Place 2 Be