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Our News items

Year 3/4 Football Tournament

Date: 3rd Feb 2016 @ 10:19am

At the start of the year, two children from Year 5, Michael and Evie, came to Mr Blain's office to ask Mr Blain if there was any possibility of organising a tournament for the Year 3 and 4 children in the school, as often the football tournaments and leagues on offer in Trafford are for the older children.  Mr Blain agreed and put the two eager Year 5 children in charge of sending out a message to local schools to invite them to the inaugural 'St Vincent's Invitational', a tournament for Y3/4 boys and girls.

The response received was fabulous.  The Bollin, Navigation, Stamford Park, Worthington and Willows all kindly accepted our invitation and the tournament was on.  Some schools brought two teams.  

With our team of Year 5 children officiating the event, the tournament was a huge success (even though the weather was truly dreadful!) and the football on display was excellent.  Both St. Vincent's teams performed superbly and came in joint second place in their groups, narrowly avoiding the semi finals due to an inferior goal difference. 

The final consisted of Bollin A team vs Bollin B team, with Bollin A taking the glory in an exciting final game.  

A special mention must go to the Year 5 team who set up and ran the tournament.  All of the other schools were very grateful and the tournament was hailed a success!  Well done to everyone involved.



Date: 3rd Feb 2016 @ 10:06am

St Vincent's was 'alight' today as we celebrated the feast of Candlemas. Candlemas is a celebration of Jesus, who is the 'light of the world'.  As our School mission statement is to "Let Your Light Shine", then what a perfect day to come together as a whole school and celebrate the love of Jesus being in each and every one of us.

The procession of light began with representatives from Mini Vinnies visiting each class in the school and the nursery to give out candles where, using tea lights, the children passed the light of the candle to one another.  The procession ended in the Junior Playground, where the whole school gathered with Father John to turn our lights on, receive a blessing and to sing our school mission song.  It was a wonderful occasion and the children will take their candles home to remember that their lights can shine in whatever they do! 


Juniors - Extra-Curricular Activities for Spring 2 Half Term

Date: 28th Jan 2016 @ 2:35pm

28 January 2016


For Spring 2 Half Term 2016

Dear Parents

Below is a list of extra-curricular activities available during the next half term after the February school holidays. The activities will be available to book from 4pm on Thursday 28 January to 4pm on Wednesday 10 February.

Please note the following important points: -

  • Before and after school activities start week commencing 29 February to week ending 18 March 2016
  • Lunchtime activities start week commencing 22 February to week ending 18 March 2016


  • The activities may be booked online: -

  • via the ‘Parent Login’ area on the School website for free activities

  • via ParentPay for paid activities


  • Please be aware of the pickup times. After school activities will finish at 4:30pm prompt. In exceptional circumstances, if it is necessary to cancel the activity teaching staff will remain in school until 4:30pm to provide an alternative activity.

  • Please ensure that you take note of the activities that you and your child have chosen.

  • It is the responsibility of your child to have the appropriate kit in school on the required day.

  • Please consider carefully the activities chosen as any changes will be kept to a minimum to avoid discrepancies for the school office and the teacher running the activity.

  • When booking an activity you are giving consent to your child taking part in the activity.









UJ Girls Football



12:00 – 12:40


4 weeks

Free – book via school website


LJ Girls Football



12:40 – 1:10


4 weeks

Free – book via school website


LJ Touch Rugby



12:00 – 12:40


4 weeks

Free – book via school website


UJ Touch Rugby



12:40 – 1:10


4 weeks

Free – book via school website





3:30 - 4:30


3 weeks

Free – book via school website


LJ Homework Club



3:30 – 4:30


3 weeks

Free – book via school website


UJ Homework Club



3:30 – 4:30


3 weeks

Free – book via school website





8:00 – 8:50


3 weeks

£7.50 – book via ParentPay


Art Club



3:30- 4:30


3 weeks

Free – book via school website





3:30 - 4:30


3 weeks

Free – book via school website


Y5 Boys Football



12:00 – 12:40


4 weeks

Free – book via school website


Y4 Boys Football



12:40 – 1:10


4 weeks

Free – book via school website


Y6 Boys Football



12:00 – 12:40


4 weeks

Free – book via school website


Y3 Boys Football



12:40 – 1:10


4 weeks

Free – book via school website


Mini Football Tournaments



3:30 – 4:30


3 weeks

Free – book via school website




Hockey tournament

Date: 26th Jan 2016 @ 7:11pm


We had our second hockey tournament tonight and St Vincent's were keen to get back on the pitch despite the cold weather. 

Everyone worked well as a team and fantastic hockey was played! 

Everyone should be very proud of themselves and a big well done to all of the players!


Year 6 Athletes

Date: 22nd Jan 2016 @ 2:59pm

Yesterday, a group of Year 6 children competed in the Trafford Sportshall Athletics Competition. They had a great afternoon competing in the events which ranged from "over under" relays to throwing the soft javelin! 

Well done to all of the children involved, they gave 100% in all events and the team spirit was spectacular. 

St Vincent's came 3rd overall which was a fantastic result. 

Francis House Presentation

Date: 18th Jan 2016 @ 11:35am

Kate Puc from Francis House came to school this morning to be presented with a cheque for £2,192 after a fundraising drive last term.  St. Vincent's raised the money by selling a Christmas CD and having a Christmas Service collection.

Kate wanted to thank everyone involved in the fundraising effort and to all of the children, parents and staff at St. Vincent's for raising this money for such an important cause!


NEW!!! Coaching for Parents - presentation

Date: 21st Jan 2016 @ 12:04pm

Please find the notes for this very inspiring and thought provoking session under the 'Parents' tab at the top of the page.

Mrs Sutton's Class - Christmas Cushions

Date: 17th Dec 2015 @ 11:15am

Year 6 have been feeling festive by making Christmas cushions as part of our Design Technology lessons!

Christmas Creativity - Mrs Gough's class

Date: 16th Dec 2015 @ 10:15am

All of the Year 6s have shown their great talents for textiles this week. The Christmas cushion project is going very well, and is lots of fun too! Thank you to all of our amazing helpers.

Which design is your favourite?

Own Clothes Day on Friday 11 December

Date: 9th Dec 2015 @ 2:36pm

This Friday the children may wear their own clothes to school. Please ensure your child has sensible footwear and appropriate clothing for the weather.


Christmas Fair 2015

Date: 2nd Dec 2015 @ 9:29pm

Thank you so much to all of the volunteers who made the 2015 Christmas Fair a success once again. All of the preparation was worth it as the many visitors had big smiles on their faces.

The Spa returned and was very popular again, the Toy and Teddy tombola sold out and the International food was as delicious as ever.

The photographs show the "calm before the storm" and give an indication of the hard work and preparation that goes into the event each year. The PTA wish you a Merry Christmas.

Fencing Presentation

Date: 1st Dec 2015 @ 2:19pm

The children enjoyed a fencing presentation in assembly today and are now able to sign up to a fencing club in the New Year! Well done Hamish & John, our experienced Year 6 fencers, who put on a great demonstration in the art of fencing!

Christmas Planner (...for your fridge!)

Date: 27th Nov 2015 @ 6:11pm

Christmas 2015 at St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary School

   School Christmas Fair - Saturday 28 November - 11:00am – 14:00pm

Infant and Junior Departments.

   Infant Advent Mass - Wednesday 2 December - 09:05am

Infant Department Hall. All parents and families welcome.

   Junior Advent Mass – Friday 4 December – 09:05am

Junior Department Hall. All parents and families welcome.

   PTA Festive Markets - Friday 4 December - 19:30pm

Junior Department Hall.

   Reception Nativity Dress Rehearsal - Monday 7 December

All infant children and junior siblings of children in Reception will spectate.

   Reception Nativity Plays - Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 December - 10:00am

Infant Department Hall. Refreshments provided afterwards.

   Children’s Christmas Lunch - Friday 11 December – 12:00pm

With a special visit from Father Christmas!

   Christmas Pantomime for Infant children – Monday 14 December - 13:30pm

Infant Department Hall.

   Y4 Christmas Play - Tuesday 15 December – 14:00pm            

                Junior Department Hall. Refreshments provided afterwards. 

   Y4 Christmas Play - Wednesday 16 December – 18:30pm

                Junior Department Hall. Refreshments provided afterwards.

   Christmas Service at St. Vincent’s Church – Thursday 17 December –18:30pm

Children in full school uniform. Parking will be busy so please allow plenty of time.

   Christmas Pantomime for Junior children - Friday 18 December– 09:15am

Junior Department Hall.


Charity Christmas CD

Date: 26th Nov 2015 @ 3:08pm

We are delighted to announce the sale of the St. Vincent's Christmas Charity CD.  The school has been buzzing with Christmas songs over the last few weeks as we have being recording a Charity Christmas CD.  

All of the proceeds from the sale of the CD will be donated to Francis House, a charity dedicated to providing care for children an young adults with life threatening conditions.

CDs will be on sale from next week at £6 per CD, or two CDs for £10. Why not treat everyone in your families?

You can order your CDs through ParentPay from Tuesday.

We look forward to raising lots of money for a wonderful charity.

Please listen below to a a clip of some of the songs on sale...

Excitement as Olympian visits St. Vincent's

Date: 16th Nov 2015 @ 8:51pm

Excitement gripped St. Vincent's this morning as Olympic Bronze medal winner and former World Champion Beth Tweddle came to St. Vincent's to talk to the staff about gymnastics.   There were lots of enthusiasm and great ideas discussed and the school feel very privileged to have had an Olympic medalist come to our school.  Beth also signed lots of autographs and had a picture with some of our own budding gymnasts.


Girls Football League

Date: 14th Nov 2015 @ 8:54am

The final league meeting of 2015 saw our girls take on some of the best the league has to offer.

St. Vincent's A began the evening taking on Navigation Road Primary.  Lottie quickly took control of the game, running continously at the opposition's defence and scoring a first half hat trick.  Mr Blain asked for smoother passing and more talking in the second half, encouraging the girls to keep alert.  Izzy provided just that, using her excellent close control and sharp turning to edge passed the Navigation defence and score with a powerful shot to finish the game early in the second half.

The second game can only described as an epic encounter.  The girls took on an unbeaten Broadheath Primary, who this year have a new coach and some excellent players.  St Vincent's were to have their first 'Galacticos' game of the league....the crowds were not dissappointed.

The match began with pace and energy shown from both teams desperate to retain their unbeaten record.  Rebecca was a constant threat throughout the match, running down the wing at every opportunity and causing all kinds of problems for the Broadheath defence.  In the end the early pressure by St. Vincent's was rewarded as Lottie poked the ball home to make it 1-0.  

However, this was not the end of the game.  Towards the end of the half, Broadheath had settled more into their counter-attacking style, with their No. 5 being especially dangerous.  It was clear that St. Vincent's would have to be careful.  Mollie and Josie proved to be rocks in the heart of defence and were made to work hard for the rest of the game as Broadheath committed throngs of players forward.  Unfortunately the game took a dramatic turn as Broadheath scored a goal in the dying seconds of the first half from nowhere.  Mr. Blain told the girls not to worry and to keep pressing and they did just that.

The second half carried on like the first, with St. Vincent's piling on pressure and Broadheath relying on catching Vinnies on the break.  However it was clear that Josie, Mollie and Natalie were not going to let anything past them and actually Mollie and Josie were able to push forward and help in attack.  The Broadheath No. 5 was less effective in the second half as an inspired Imogen took control of the St. Vincent's midfield and produced a masterclass to allow the attacks to flow one after the other.  

Chance after chance came but in the end the girls had to settle for a hard fought draw. All of the girls can be very proud of what they produced on the field and a special mention must go to Imogen for an especially inspired evening's football! 

Exhausted, speechless and emotionally drained, Mr Blain retired for the weekend to recover!  

Golden Girls

Date: 16th Nov 2015 @ 8:57pm

The Junior Department was flooded with Gold this week as three wonderful ladies received a Gold award for the hard work they always show, in everything they do.  Grace and Sarah have proven that they are willing to work extremely hard every day and Mrs Redhead always goes above and beyond for everyone at St. Vincent's.

Well done ladies on being fantastic!

Mini Vinnies Bake Sale

Date: 10th Nov 2015 @ 5:09pm

The bake sale held today in the Junior Department was a resounding success. Members of St Vincent's Mini Vinnies worked extremely hard to organise and host a bake sale in the Junior hall during play time to raise money for the charity, Help for Heroes. The children gave up their play time to raise money for charity and to help ensure that all children could enjoy the bake sale. During this period of remembrance, the Mini Vinnies have been instrumental in driving the school's Poppy Appeal.

St Vincent's Mini Vinnies wish to extend a massive thank you to all children and parents who made our Bake Sale such a huge success. Cakes were donated in such an abundance that the Mini Vinnies were able to hold another bake sale at the end of the day for parents.

Year 5 and 6 Football Tournament 6/11/15

Date: 8th Nov 2015 @ 1:59pm

The Year 5 and 6 boys' football team played three fixtures on Friday evening at Timperley Cricket Club. The boys fought hard but were beaten 4-0 in the first game by a strong Park Road side. However, the boys were able to shake off this defeat and went on to win 2-1 against Navigation and beat Forest School 4-1 in the final game of the evening. The boys played with determination and character. We would like to say a big thank you to all the parents who showed up to support the team.

PTA - The Christmas Fair is coming!

Date: 5th Nov 2015 @ 1:35pm

Dear Parents,

We are fast approaching the date for our 2015 Christmas Fair (Saturday 28 November) which relies on your generous donations. This is our biggest fundraiser so please take a moment to see what you can do to help. Whilst we appreciate anything you can give we would be especially grateful if you could have a look at the specific items requested from each year group.

Donation requests by week

From 9th – 13th November we are asking for toy donations. These should be good quality second hand items to be sold on the Toy stall. Please ensure jigsaws are complete and toys are in full working order with no items missing.

From 16th – 20th November we are asking for donations are as follows:

Reception & Nursery

Beauty products or makeup for the Beauty Stall

Year 1

Sweets – anything big or small for the sweet tombola

Year 2

Sweets – anything big or small for the sweet tombola

Year 3

New or unused toys for the Toy Tombola, any unwanted presents would be ideal.

Year 4

Small items which could be used as gifts for parents for the Christmas Gift & Wrapping Room e.g. china mugs, small ornaments, candles.

Year 5

‘Girls’ World’ – jewellery, bags, mirrors, beauty sets for girls.  Any items in a saleable condition would be perfect.

Year 6

Products for Hampers e.g. biscuits, chutneys, olives or tinned goods.  Alternatively items for our Christmas stall e.g. wrapping paper, tags, bows, cards.

The week before the Fair (Monday 23rd – Friday 27th) we are asking you to pledge items for the homemade stall (jams, chutneys, cakes, biscuits). Please hand in to either school office so they can all be sorted in time for the Fair, or if you will be sending baked items on the day, please email us to let us know.

Friday 27th November will be ‘Own Clothes Day’ and that morning the children are asked to bring:


Mince Pies

Reception + Year 1

Any item containing chocolate for the chocolate tombola

Year 2 + Juniors

Any bottle for the bottle tombola, from lemonade to whiskey!

Grand Draw Raffle

As usual, this will take place on the day of the Fair (at around 2pm) in the Junior Hall. Your family has received five books of tickets and we would appreciate it if you could sell these to family or friends. This year we are running a competition (with the help of the Year 6 pupils) and there will be a special surprise for the class who sell the most tickets!

Additional books of tickets can be obtained from either school office. Year 6 pupils will also visit each class daily with spare books. In this case please let your child know if you would like some more.

In order for class totals to be counted, all ticket stubs and money should be returned to either school office in an envelope clearly marked with Grand Draw Raffle and the teacher’s name. If you have any unsold tickets please also return these to one of the school offices.

We look forward to receiving your donations to help make the Christmas Fair as successful as ever.

Kind regards,

The PTA team

United Nations Day- Year 6

Date: 23rd Oct 2015 @ 3:59pm

Year 6 had a brilliant day today learning about their chosen country for United Nations Day. Mrs Sutton's class were learning about Mexico, Miss Coyle's class were learning about Korea and Mrs Gough's class were learning about France.

We all enjoyed tasting new and exciting foods, listening to presentations and learning about different cultures.

We would also like to say another big thank you to our parent helpers who made our day so enjoyable!

United Nations Day - Year 4

Date: 23rd Oct 2015 @ 6:13pm

Year Four celebrated United Nations Day by learning about Australia.  

It was a fun filled day full of interesting activities from singing the national anthem and learning about

the key places in Australia to visit to finding out about the Aborigines who live in Australia and their rich culture of art and music.


The highlight of the day was a visit from the Dugdale family, who are from Australia and who came in with many tasty treats from their country.

As you can see from the pictures, Year 4 had a wonderful time trying the delicious food and we would all like 

to thank the Dugdale family for taking the time to make the tasting menu for the children.

Mini Vinnies

Date: 21st Oct 2015 @ 4:26pm

Following the example set by the school’s namesake, the children of St Vincent’s Primary School have been inspired to work closely with the charity, St Vincent de Paul. The children are full of excitement and enthusiasm as they have begun establishing their own group of ‘Mini Vinnies’.

‘Mini Vinnies’ are children aged between 7 and 11 who are encouraged to embark upon their first steps in becoming ‘Vincentians for life’. Following the example set by Saint Vincent, the children are going to help others through prayer, friendship and fundraising.  As Mini Vinnies, the youngsters have their own 'treasured' Prayer, Pledge and Badge, a dedicated website and a range of bright and colourful documents which guide them in their formative steps - helping and enabling them to become in every sense, young Vincentians.

Every child at Saint Vincent’s is regarded as ‘Mini Vinnie’ and from Year 4 to Year 6, three representatives from each class have been chosen. These representatives will work to guide the school in looking after members within our school community, fundraising for those less fortunate and in reaching out to the wider community. Whilst the organisation will be guided by members of staff, it will be run by the children. Three Year 6 representatives have already been appointed as President, Treasurer and Secretary.

The children have big ideas for what ‘Mini Vinnies’ will mean for the school and the wider community. They are ready to use this as an opportunity to live up to the school mission statement and let their light shine!


 “Mini Vinnies can be role-models to younger children in the school”

- Ella in Year 5


“It is exciting to represent our school in this way”

 - Thomas in Year 6


I am proud to be a part of Mini Vinnies. I think we will take part in many charitable events”

- Lucy in Year 6


Girls' Football Tournament

Date: 21st Oct 2015 @ 8:27pm

The Girls' football Team were celebrating their first piece of silverware this evening as they finished joint top with the Bollin in the annual girls' football tournament held at Wellington School. 

The girls began the  group stage with Stamford Park and Altrincham CofE, having to play both teams twice in four eight minute games.  

Slick passing, intelligent movement and a keen eye for goal were seen in every game.  Lottie 'Smooth Touch'  and Elkie 'The Powerhouse' were a constant threat going forward, pushing the defenders to their limit.  Izzy 'The Maestro', Imogen 'Smart Feet' and Evie 'Cool Head' pushed the team forward from the middle, passing the ball around with ease and showing superb touches and excellent decision making throughout.  Natalie 'Safe Hands' made two outstanding saves and Mollie 'First Touch'  ensured that nothing got passed her!  A special mention must go to Rebecca 'The Blocker', who made excellent stops in defence and many mazy runs forward, scoring and setting up many goals.

The girls' finished top of their group unbeaten and faced runners up from the other group, Navigation Road.  An early goal by Lottie settled the nerves, but Navigation caught St Vincent's on the break and scored from their only chance of the whole game.  Then ensued five minutes of relentless pressure from the blues, who ended up scoring three more goals in a 4-1 thriller, leading to the girls setting up a final against the mighty Bollin. 

And what a final it was...the game started with two teams playing to a high standard, the speed of the game taking many spectators by surprise.  Both teams had excellent chances to score before St. Vincent's went one goal up!  Bollin then piled on the pressure on the St. Vincent's defence, with Rebecca and Mollie playing at their best in order to cancel out the threat from some excellent Bollin players.

In fact, it was only in the final minute, in fact final few seconds, that they managed to break the resistance.  The game finished 1-1 and moved into the Golden Goal period - the next goal won the game and the tournament.  

Eight minutes of this could not separate the sides and it was agreed that both teams would share the top prize. 

The girls went home with gold medals and Mr Blain and the parents went home to have a rest and reduce their blood pressure after such an exciting and tense final.  

Well done girls for such a fantastic effort!  Also, St Vincent's would like to say thank you to The Bollin for being wonderful competitors, showing a dedication to their team as well as being very friendly and sporting throughout.  


Hockey tournament

Date: 20th Oct 2015 @ 6:16pm

Tonight was the first hockey tournament of the year and St Vincent's were eager to showcase their talents.

Our first game of the tournament was against Forest Gate. We attacked all game and played well as a team to ensure a 1-0 win!

Next up we played Heyes Lane. We focused again on pushing forward and we scored 4 fantastic goals.

Our final game was against Navigation Primary. We defended well and created space to ensure we won 1-0 and continued our winning streak! 

What an amazing team. Everyone should be very proud of themselves, especially because we were one player down in every game! Well done to all of the players.

Contact the School

St Vincent's Catholic Primary School

Orchard Road,
WA15 8EY

Main Contact: Headteacher Mrs Harrop

SEND Contact: Mrs Farrell and Mrs Sutton

Tel: 0161 911 8040


We couldn't be happier with St Vincent's, our children are really happy there. - Parent Survey
It is a wonderful environment, our children are flourishing - Parent Survey
The school ethos gives the children excellent opportunities to develop their spirituality and knowledge of their faith. - Parent Survey
It is a really friendly school, I have been made to feel very welcome. - Parent Survey
We love St Vincent's, keep doing what you are doing! - Parent Survey
Pupil’s behaviour is exemplary, and they respect and care for all in the school community - Denominational Inspection
Ofsted Outstanding Provider Logo
School Games Platinum Award 2021/22-2022/23
CPD champion School
Primary Science Quality Mark 2021-2024
Dyslexia Aware 2022-2025
Diocese of Shrewsbury Logo
Music Mark School Member
United Against Bullying Silver School 2023
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Living Wage Foundation Logo
360 Safe Accredited Safer Online Logo
Primary Geography Quality Mark Gold 2021-24
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools- Silver Right Aware
Leading Parent Partnership Award 2021-2024
EDPA 2022-2025 Award
Trafford Council Inclusion Charter
Improving Children's Mental Health: Place 2 Be