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Our News items

Visit from a geologist

Date: 7th Dec 2018 @ 10:27am

On Wednesday we received a visit from Chantel, a geologist. We got to join in with lots of fun experiences and investigations including: sorting rocks based on their properties, exploring types of fossils and even making our own fossils! At the end Chantel asked us a dinosaur mystery which we had to crack. As a reward for solving the problem we were able to see the mammoth tooth! We all agree that the highlight of the session had to be smelling the dinosaur poo!  

A big thank you to Chantel for such an interesting session and for teaching us so much about fossils and rocks! 

Year 1 - Fruit Kebabs!

Date: 5th Dec 2018 @ 3:09pm

Today as part of the Computing topic ‘We are TV chefs’, the Year 1 children made their own delicious and healthy fruit kebabs. The year 4 and 5 Digital Leaders came to help the children and they also filmed them using the iPads so the year 1 children could have a go a being a tv chef and presenting their own tv programme, explaining the different steps of making the fruit kebab. When the kebabs were all made, it was time for the best part of the activity.... to eat them! The children all thoroughly enjoyed tasting them!

Remembrance Day Presentation

Date: 21st Nov 2018 @ 5:34pm

Today we attended a presentation about Remembrance Day by two students from Loreto Grammar School.

We learnt lots of interesting facts about the World Wars, including how they used goldfish in the war! Learning about the jobs of children during the war was very thought provoking and made us realise how lucky we all are.

Thank you to the girls for coming and giving this presentation to us! 

Anti-bullying week

Date: 16th Nov 2018 @ 3:56pm

We have had an exciting anti-bullying week. On Wednesday the class was involved in a dance workshop with an anti-bullying theme. The children thoroughly enjoyed it! We have also been busy making friendship cards for our buddy.

Friendship - playground activities

Date: 15th Nov 2018 @ 3:57pm

The Well-being Champions from the Reception, infant and junior department have been working hard to design and make lots of different playground activities for our Friendship Week. They wanted to design challenges that will encourage children to make new friends, read together and to problem solve. The Well-being Champions have written and illustrated beautiful friendship stories, made friendship word searches, created a friendship scavenger hunt and many more activities. The children have really enjoyed the new challenges and activities in the playground this week.

Friendship Dance Workshop

Date: 15th Nov 2018 @ 3:44pm

Today, to celebrate Friendship Week, our class have taken part in a very exciting dance workshop. We talked about different feelings and emotions and expressed our feelings through dance while working with a partner. We all had a lot of fun. 

Welcome to Miss Jamieson's class

Date: 14th Nov 2018 @ 9:37pm

Welcome to Miss Jamieson’s Class!

We have all enjoyed the first term in the Junior Department and are enjoying discovering our new school and classroom! We have all been contributing to our classroom displays and all agree that our displays are fun and colourful. Some of our best work is our: English writing inspired by the BFG, self-portraits and superhero’s to solve the UN global goals.

We are all trying really hard and have been challenging ourselves in our learning. During every lesson we are encouraged to use the 5 B's (brain, buddy, board, basket and boss), the self-selecting task trays and our quality baskets. Miss Jamieson and Mrs Savill have both said how proud they are of our attitudes to learning in all lessons.

In our classroom we have our ‘Wow’ Wall where we display the work that we are especially proud of. Make sure you see whose work is on the wall next time you are in the classroom!

We have been enjoying planning and participating in collective worships linked to our RE curriculum. Each week one person will plan and deliver the worship to the class. The collective worships that have been organised so far have been incredibly respectful and thought provoking.

In our classroom we have a lovely reading corner where we are encouraged to sit and read from a wide selection of books. We are all avid readers and love sharing our book recommendations to others in the class.

We are very excited to see what else we will do this year! This page will be updated regularly, so check back to see what else we have been doing.


Thank you,

Miss Jamieson, Mrs Savill and Year 3!


Rattle and Roll Anti-bullying Workshop

Date: 14th Nov 2018 @ 10:10am

Today, Kate from Rattle and Roll ran a workshop with Year 3. The focus was on respect; respecting ourselves and others!

We talked about different forms of bullying including cyber bulling and how we should behave online.

We had great fun with Kate and look forward to putting what we have learned into practice! 

Diary is stolen!

Date: 15th Nov 2018 @ 3:40pm

Unfortunately we came into school to see that Samuel Pepys diary had been stolen. It was the notorious Sticky Finger Steve. Luckily, the police came very quickly and put any evidence found into bags for us to see. We couldn’t go near the crime scene because it was taped off. We now have a very important job to do to help get the diary back. We need to write a persuasive letter to the thief to persuade him to give it back. We will have to use lots of persuasive openers and persuasive language to make sure he listens! 

Clarice Cliff Art

Date: 13th Nov 2018 @ 11:41am

We have learned about Clarice Cliff and we combined her art with noah’s Ark. She had a very interesting life and many exiting experiences. We found out facts like when she was born and where she lived and grew up. We looked at her art and her different styles,like bizarre wear. Most of her pieces featured trees,houses and hills. She used shapes to make things like trees and hills.

Special Delivery!

Date: 15th Nov 2018 @ 3:35pm

We had a very special delivery today all the way from London! The British’s Library have heard that we are learning about The Great Fire of London. They sent us Samuel Pepys’ diary and some bread that would have been just like the bread that was baked at Pudding Lane.  They also sent us some parmesan cheese, just like the cheese that Samuel Pepys hid under his floorboards. We loved tasting it and the smell of the freshly baked bread made our classrooms smell delicious! 

Silly socks day for Friendship Week

Date: 15th Nov 2018 @ 3:33pm

This week is friendship week  and we have started the week by wearing odd socks. The message behind this is to see that all children are special and we are all different. Today, we all chose a “secret buddy”. We are going to try to do nice things for one another and play with children we don’t normally play with because often this leads to new friendships. 

Sweet sorting in science

Date: 11th Nov 2018 @ 9:02pm

Our science topic this term is rocks and fossils. To start this topic we learnt how to classify items based on key characteristics and practised these skills by sorting sweets. We sorted our sweets in categories such as: colour, hardness, whether it crumbled and using the streak test. We are very excited to carry on learning about rocks this term! 

UN Day

Date: 11th Nov 2018 @ 8:42pm

On the 19th of October we learnt about the UN and the work they complete. In the morning we learnt about why the UN was created and what would happen if we didn’t have this organisation. We discussed the Global Goals and some of us presented to the class which they thought were the most important. Everyone enjoyed creating our Global Goal superheros who were going to help the UN meet the goals by 2020. 

In year three our country was Italy so we as a class we learnt about Italy and practised our Italian. We all made hats with Italian landmarks on and wore them to eat our lunches! In teams we competed to see who can make the best Italian landmark out of straws in under 3 minutes, it was lots of fun! 



Date: 11th Nov 2018 @ 8:16pm

For the previous two Thursday afternoons year three have enjoyed learning and practising lacrosse. These lessons have been run by Jack from Timperely Lacrosse club. Our class learnt how to safely pass the ball and ‘three s’s’ of how to scoop a ball. Alongside learning lots of new skills they have been able to play fun games which have required teamwork and communication. 



Remembrance Activities

Date: 15th Nov 2018 @ 3:28pm

Over the past week, we have taken part in lots of thought provoking activities which have helped us understand the importance of Remembrance Day. We all made a poppy out of felt which was used for a display in a local Church. We then wrote some prayers on poppy templates to create our own class wreath. We took part in the two minute silence on Friday to remember all those who lost their lives in the two World Wars. which was then followed by prayers and a performance of the “Last Post” by Ben in Year 6.

Mr McCann's Class Year 3

Date: 11th Nov 2018 @ 10:58am

Welcome to Mr McCann's Year 3 class!

In our class we enjoy learning, playing and praying together. We work hard to Let our Light shine in all the things that we do. We think it is important that we try our best in every aspect of school life. 

World War One - Remembrance Day. Year 5

Date: 7th Nov 2018 @ 6:27pm

Today in Year 5 we have been thinkg about Remembrance Day, which marks the day World War One ended, at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918. On Sunday it will be100 years since the end of World War One.

Year 5 children have been writing their own poems to commemorate this day and they then copied these onto a poppy template which were then put together to create a wreath. The chlidren have been learning about what’s it was like to be a solider at war, the contribution of women to the war effort and how it affected the lives of everyday people.

The children also created their own World War One silhouette art pictures, featuring images of soldiers. These are very effective and create a dramatic image.


Remembrance and British Values activities

Date: 15th Nov 2018 @ 4:57pm

We have been learning about British Values and Remembrance Day. We had 2 minutes silence to remember all those affected by war and those who lost their lives. The children particularly enjoyed learning about the role of animals in the war. We made poppies by cutting out our handprints and we used them to form a wreath as a centrepiece for our Collective Worship session. We wrote prayers for our journals to say thank you to all those people who keep us safe. 

Welcome to Mrs Jennings' Class

Date: 9th Nov 2018 @ 3:54pm

Welcome to Mrs Jennings' Class!

We have all settled in very well in the Junior Department and we are enjoying exploring our new surroundings! Our new classroom is a fun and exciting place to be with lots of colourful displays and interactive resources to support our learning.

During every lesson we are encouraged to challenge ourselves and become independent learners through the use of the 5 B's (brain, buddy, board, basket and boss), the self selecting task trays and our quality baskets. We enjoy relaxing in our reading garden where there is a great selection of books to choose from! As you can see from our photographs, we take pride in our work and enjoy displaying it for all to see. In our classroom we have a writing and RE display which are changed regularly reflecting the topics we are learning about. The maths working wall supports us with our work and provides us with helpful reminders if we are 'having a wobble'.   

This term we have been lucky enough to engage in a number of sporting activities, including the Quick Sticks Hockey Festival, and receive weekly lacross sessions delivered by Timperly Lacross Club.

Collective worship is a very important part of our RE curriculum and each week one person is asked to plan and deliver a session to the rest of the class. This is a very special responsibility and we enjoy celebrating together in this way.

We hope you have enjoyed visiting our class page. It will be updated regularly with all the exciting things that we will be doing this year!  Please click here to see our latest news items

Remembrance Day Week

Date: 16th Nov 2018 @ 9:02am

Year 5 have had a very reflective week remembering all of those who have fallen during past wars. As well as creating our own poppy wreath, the children researched a soldier from World War 1 as part of their homework. Take a look at some of the work the children produced.

Friendship Dance Workshop

Date: 15th Nov 2018 @ 4:48pm

Today we took part in a fantastic Friendship Dance Workshop led by 'Rattle & Roll'. The children loved the activities based around the music from 'The Greatest Showman'.

Miss Slater’s start to the year

Date: 8th Nov 2018 @ 4:08pm

Welcome to Miss Slater's Class

We have had a very busy start to the year. We have celebrated UN Day, bonfire night, completed many reading challenges and have been working hard in all our subjects. We have been learning about Remebrance Day and performed our prayerful and thoughtful class assembly. The children put in lots of effort to learn their lines and did a fabulous job at spreading the message of remembering and peace. We have done further work in class on remebrance linked to British Values. We have written some wonderful prayers to pray for those who help people in our country and our beautiful world. 

Key Stage One - Discovery news, quiz and 100 years since the end of the First World War

Date: 15th Oct 2018 @ 1:50pm

Key Stage One news.

See this week's latest news!

Now log in to Discovery and see if you can answer this week's quiz bites.


Key Stage Two - Discovery news, quiz and 100 years since the end of World War One

Date: 1st Nov 2018 @ 7:13pm

See this week's news!

Now see if you can answer the questions in the quiz by clicking on  Discovery


Contact the School

St Vincent's Catholic Primary School

Orchard Road,
WA15 8EY

Main Contact: Headteacher Mrs Harrop

SEND Contact: Mrs Farrell and Mrs Sutton

Tel: 0161 911 8040


We couldn't be happier with St Vincent's, our children are really happy there. - Parent Survey
It is a wonderful environment, our children are flourishing - Parent Survey
The school ethos gives the children excellent opportunities to develop their spirituality and knowledge of their faith. - Parent Survey
It is a really friendly school, I have been made to feel very welcome. - Parent Survey
We love St Vincent's, keep doing what you are doing! - Parent Survey
Pupil’s behaviour is exemplary, and they respect and care for all in the school community - Denominational Inspection
Ofsted Outstanding Provider Logo
School Games Platinum Award 2021/22-2022/23
CPD champion School
Primary Science Quality Mark 2021-2024
Dyslexia Aware 2022-2025
Diocese of Shrewsbury Logo
Music Mark School Member
United Against Bullying Silver School 2023
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Living Wage Foundation Logo
360 Safe Accredited Safer Online Logo
Primary Geography Quality Mark Gold 2021-24
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools- Silver Right Aware
Leading Parent Partnership Award 2021-2024
EDPA 2022-2025 Award
Trafford Council Inclusion Charter
Improving Children's Mental Health: Place 2 Be