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: News items

St Ambrose Language Ambassadors

Date: 17th Dec 2017 @ 8:46pm

Year 4 were visited by 8 Language Ambassadors from St Ambrose College.

Four of the boys taught the children Spanish focusing on general information about Spain and the famous festival ‘La Tomatina’. The children learned about how the tomato fight starts, what to wear and where the festival takes place. They really enjoyed their first Spanish lesson. Gracias chicos!

The other four boys taught the children French focusing on the topic of animals. They learned how to say different animal names and played lots of fun games. The boys were impressed with how much French the Year 4 children know. Merci beaucoup aux garçons d’Ambrose.

Well done for all your hard work and participation Year 4.

Mrs Needham

Science experiments at Loreto

Date: 12th Dec 2017 @ 8:39pm

Miss Carr and Mr Blain’s class had the exciting opportunity to visit the Science department at Loreto. Mrs Manton explained that they would work on a project called ‘Shipwrecked’ where they had to complete a practical experiment separating sand, salt and iron. Firstly, they knew that iron was magnetic so they used a magnet to take the iron out of the mixture. Then they added water to the sand and salt mixture. They knew the salt would dissolve in water. Then they filtered their mixture to separate the sand from the salt water. Finally, they boiled the salt mixture to evaporate the water and they were left with salt. As the children finished their work quickly, Mrs Manton gave the children a demonstration of why fireworks are all different colours. She showed us that different elements turn different colours when placed into a flame. The children absolutely loved this and said it was the best part of the trip. 

Thank you Mrs Manton!


300 Club Winners

Date: 12th Dec 2017 @ 3:36pm

Congratulations to our 300 Club winners.

November Draw

£200 - Mrs O'Cualain

£50 - Mrs Lloyd

December Draw

£100 - Mrs Kilburn

£25 - Mrs Hill

January Draw

£100 - Mrs Hackett

£25 - Mrs Stewart

February Draw

£100 - Mrs Collins

£25 - Mrs Nicholson

March Draw

£100 - Mrs Kennedy

£25 - Mrs Coghlan

April Draw

£100 - Mrs Needham

£25 - Mr Platts

May Draw

£100 - Mrs Belford

£25 - Ms Hoare

June Draw

£100 - Miss O'Brien

£25 - Mrs Kuhwald

July Draw

£100 - Mrs Walsh

£25 - Mrs McGoff

August Draw

£100 - Ms Casson

£25 - Dr Whittaker

The next draw will take place at the Christmas Fair ... Good Luck!


Music concert

Date: 12th Dec 2017 @ 9:04pm

Many children performed in a music concert to showcase just how much they have learned over the term. We were all blown away by the talent. Well done to all who took part!

Teeth Experiment

Date: 7th Dec 2017 @ 11:18am

In Science, we have been learning all about how to keep our bodies healthy. This week we have set up an experiment all about our teeth. We have placed an egg in several liquids and we are going to leave it there and observe what happens to it over a week. The shell of the egg is like the enamel on our teeth and we are curious to find out what will happen to it when it is left in juice, coca-cola, water and milk over time.

Anti bullying raps with Mrs Sheldon’s Class

Date: 6th Dec 2017 @ 8:46am

As part of Anti-bullying week, Year 6 thought about what to do if they become a victim of bullying or cyber bullying. They designed their own rap to give advice. Here are some of the raps.

Year 4 Computing

Date: 6th Dec 2017 @ 8:39am

Year 4 have been having lots of fun in computing over the last few weeks. We have been using a program called Scratch to develop our coding skills. They were given the task of programming a cat to move around the track. They came up with many creative ways of moving the cat. Well done Year 4!

Slime Making Experience

Date: 3rd Dec 2017 @ 10:57pm

Congratulations to the children and parents for selling and buying raffle tickets for our Christmas fair. As a big thank you, the children took part in a 'slime experience' afternoon. The children got their hands dirty making their very own slime in all sorts of colours and even got to take it home with them. Also, a very big thank you to Mrs Shaw who came and delivered the slime making experience, we all loved it!

Mrs Sutton's class enjoying their slimetastic prize!

Date: 1st Dec 2017 @ 3:51pm

Today we were lucky enough to have Mrs Shaw visit to carry out an amazing Science lesson that involved the children making their own slime! Our class earned this reward by selling the most raffle tickets for the Christmas Fair. The children and their parents had worked extremely hard to outsell all the other classes and were ecstatic when they were announced to be triumphant at the Christmas Fair! The prize did not disappoint and the children enjoyed a fantastic afternoon as you can see by the photographs. Mrs Shaw will be running another Eco Warriors club next term full of even more equally exciting activities so make sure you sign up in the new year to avoid missing out!

Basketball Tournament

Date: 29th Nov 2017 @ 9:48pm

On Tuesday we took part in the Trafford Basketball League. This was our first time entering the tournament and we had a very enjoyable day. 

We played 6 matches in total (including one friendly.) We won 2, drew 2 and lost one in the league section to finish third in our group and we beat Stamford Park in our final game. Winning this game meant we finished 5th overall.

To finish off a great day we were awarded the fair play award for great sportsmanship and team play.

Well done everyone!

Anti bullying raps with Miss Coyle’s class

Date: 29th Nov 2017 @ 9:07pm

As part of Anti-bullying week, Year 6 thought about what to do if they become a victim of bullying or cyber bullying. They designed their own rap to give advice. Here are some of the raps.

Digital Leaders

Date: 29th Nov 2017 @ 8:28pm

Our Digital Leaders team has now been set up and is fully established. We have a group of 10 pupils from Year 5 and Year 6 who have been set the task of helping children in our school to stay safe online. 

Our team consists of the following representatives:

Year 5 - Andrew, Franzi, Carmel, Alice and Lucas

Year 6 - Eva, Sinead, Victoria, Noel and Aaron

The first task the team were given was to design a poster about staying safe online. You may see some of these on the classroom windows and doors around the Year 5 and 6 corridor. Next, the leaders have designed a survey for their respective year groups and are currently in the process of getting these completed and analysed.

Keep up the hard work Digital Leaders!

Mrs Needham

Christmas Trip to Tatton

Date: 3rd Dec 2017 @ 10:34pm

Today we had a really exciting trip to Tatton Park. We visited Father Christmas and the reindeer on the farm and we got to meet all the farm animals including newborn piglets!! We had a fantastic storytelling session in the cottage and then we got to see the mansion dressed for Christmas. There were themed rooms linked to the song The 12 days of Christmas. We enjoyed looking for parts of the song in each room. We all had a fantastic day, many thanks to the parents who gave up their time to come with us. 

Christmas Trip to Tatton

Date: 28th Nov 2017 @ 8:30pm

Today we had a really exciting trip to Tatton Park. We visited Father Christmas and the reindeer on the farm and we got to meet all the farm animals including newborn piglets!! We had a fantastic storytelling session in the cottage and then we got to see the mansion dressed for Christmas. There were themed rooms linked to the song The 12 days of Christmas. We enjoyed looking for parts of the song in each room. We all had a fantastic day, many thanks to the parents who gave up their time to come with us. 

Breaking News! Samuel Pepys' Diary stolen from Year 2!

Date: 7th Dec 2017 @ 11:05am

Year 2 received and amazing parcel from the British Library in London. They were asked to look after one of the treasured diaries written by Samuel Pepys in the 1600’s. They were also sent some samples of the traditional bread that would have baked at Pudding Lane bakery and the cheese that Mr Pepys loved so much.

Unfortunatley, the diary was taken by the notorious theif Sticky Finger Steve. The Year 2’s were given the important job of writing to Steve and persuading him to give back the diaries. Year 2 wrote some amazing persuasive letters and fortunately the diaries were returned just in time to be sent back to the British Library. Phew!

Science Workshop at Loreto with Mrs Sutton’s class

Date: 29th Nov 2017 @ 10:02am

Mrs Sutton’s class had the exciting opportunity to visit the Science department at Loreto. They worked on a project called ‘Shipwrecked’ where they had to complete a practical experiment separating sand, salt and iron. Firstly they knew that iron was magnetic so they used a magnet to take the iron out of the mixture. Then they added water to the sand and salt mixture. They knew the salt would dissolve in water. Then they filtered their mixture to separate the sand from the salt water. Finally they boiled the salt mixture to evaporate the water and they were left with salt. The children said the best part was using the Bunsen burners. Here are some of the pictures from the day. 

Tatton Park Christmas Trip

Date: 30th Nov 2017 @ 4:54pm

Today, we went on our very first School Trip to Tatton Park. We were able to visit the mansion and explore the rooms that were decorated to fit the theme of 'The Twelve Days of Christmas'. The song was even played throughout the mansion whilst we hunted for the hidden reindeer in each room. With our eagle eyes, we found all of them. We also went to the Farm and saw lots of animals including pigs, rams, horses and we even got to meet some of Father Christmas' reindeer! Whilst at the Farm we also went into the cottage where we sat around the fire and listened to the story 'T'was the Night Before Christmas'. We were told that this story was the favourite of a little girl who used to live in the cottage during the war. Her presents were very different to the ones we wish for today! We rounded off our School Trip with a visit from a very special person - Father Christmas and because we had all been so good, we even received a little present from him. It was a fantastic day and even the weather was kind!

Anti-bullying raps with Mrs O’Keefe’s class

Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 4:10pm

As part of Anti-bullying week, Year 6 thought about what to do if they become a victim of bullying or cyber bullying. They designed their own rap to give advice. Here are some of the raps.

Cyber bullying with Miss Carr and Mr Blain’s class

Date: 21st Nov 2017 @ 4:15pm

As part of Anti-bullying week, Year 5 looked at cyber bullying in computing lessons. We watched an emotional video from Britain’s Got Talent where two boys rapped about being bullied. We thought about what we can do if someone is being cyber bullied. Our task was to write a rap of our own giving advice on cyber bullying. Here are some of our raps.

Multi-faith week: Visit from a Sikh person

Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 8:12pm

This week we have been learning about Sikhism. On Monday the children were invited to a special assembly with Mr Singh. He talked to the children about his religion. He explained how Sikh people dress and why. He introduced the children to the 5Ks which are 5 items that Sikh people wear to show their faith. Finally, he asked for one volunteer to wear a turban and explained how they keep it on their head.

Cyber bullying with Mrs Sutton’s class

Date: 20th Nov 2017 @ 8:29pm

As part of Anti-bullying week, Year 5 looked at cyber bullying in computing lessons. We watched an emotional video from Britain’s Got Talent where two boys rapped about being bullied. We thought about what we can do if someone is being cyber bullied. Our task was to write a rap of our own giving advice on cyber bullying. Here are some of our raps.

Cyber bullying with Mr Sands’ class

Date: 20th Nov 2017 @ 2:21pm

As part of Anti-bullying week, Year 5 looked at cyber bullying in computing lessons. We watched an emotional video from Britain’s Got Talent where two boys rapped about being bullied. We thought about what we can do if someone is being cyber bullied. Our task was to write a rap of our own giving advice on cyber bullying. Here are some of our raps.

Clarice Cliff Art and RE - Miss Carr's class

Date: 14th Nov 2017 @ 11:30am

Our RE topic this half term is called God's covenants. We have learnt about the promise that God made to Noah after the flood destroyed the land. We looked at examples of designs by Clarice Cliff and designed plates showing scenes of  Noah's Ark in that style.

Our sense of taste!

Date: 1st Apr 2017 @ 10:11am

Our Science Topic is 'Ourselves' and this week we have been exploring our sense of taste with a blind sweet, sour and salty food tasting. Can you tell which tastes we enjoyed?

Reading Buddies

Date: 9th Nov 2017 @ 3:05pm

Our Reading Buddies club started again after half term this year. Some of our very enthusiastic and helpful Year 6 children come to Reading Buddies to work with some of our Year 1 children to share their love of reading!

Contact the School

St Vincent's Catholic Primary School

Orchard Road,
WA15 8EY

Main Contact: Headteacher Mrs Harrop

SEND Contact: Mrs Farrell and Mrs Sutton

Tel: 0161 911 8040


We couldn't be happier with St Vincent's, our children are really happy there. - Parent Survey
It is a wonderful environment, our children are flourishing - Parent Survey
The school ethos gives the children excellent opportunities to develop their spirituality and knowledge of their faith. - Parent Survey
It is a really friendly school, I have been made to feel very welcome. - Parent Survey
We love St Vincent's, keep doing what you are doing! - Parent Survey
Pupil’s behaviour is exemplary, and they respect and care for all in the school community - Denominational Inspection
Ofsted Outstanding Provider Logo
School Games Platinum Award 2021/22-2022/23
CPD champion School
Primary Science Quality Mark 2021-2024
Dyslexia Aware 2022-2025
Diocese of Shrewsbury Logo
Music Mark School Member
United Against Bullying Silver School 2023
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Living Wage Foundation Logo
360 Safe Accredited Safer Online Logo
Primary Geography Quality Mark Gold 2021-24
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools- Silver Right Aware
Leading Parent Partnership Award 2021-2024
EDPA 2022-2025 Award
Trafford Council Inclusion Charter
Improving Children's Mental Health: Place 2 Be