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: News items

Maggie's Great Idea

Date: 10th Apr 2017 @ 4:00pm

Maggie inspired Year 4 to write a short story about the discovery of a lost key in her garden. Many children were inspired to write amazing stories which showcase their talents.

Science investigations

Date: 9th Apr 2017 @ 6:27pm

We love science and can think of nothing better than setting up investigations. Here are a few photographs of Y3 scientists at work.

Collective Worship

Date: 9th Apr 2017 @ 6:16pm

Collective Worship is an important part of our school ethos at St. Vincent's and the children very much enjoy leading us in prayer.

Easter Egg Hunt - Miss Coffey's Class

Date: 7th Apr 2017 @ 2:50pm

Today in Miss Coffey’s class we had a special visitor who left us some a special gift. As a class, we followed clues around the playground and even on the trim trail to find the special treasure at the end! We worked as a team to read the clues and helped each other around the playground. Finally we found it!! A basket full of chocolate eggs from the Easter Bunny.


Year 5 Easter Homework Project

Date: 7th Apr 2017 @ 1:36pm

As the Easter holidays will soon be upon us we have given the Year 5 children their Easter homework project a few days early so they can get started this weekend. In the Summer Term we will be learning about World War II and we would like the children to embrace their inner historians and find a way they would like to start learning about this time in history. There are several choices to suit all different types of learners. Which ones will you choose? Or will you come up with your own unique way to share your knowledge?

Remember this is your project so if you would like to adapt the tasks to compliment your individual talents, feel free!

The homework is due in Monday 24th April. We can't wait to see the results!

Maths with a physical twist!

Date: 5th May 2017 @ 9:34am

Friday 7th April was a great day all round! As well as the Easter Eggtravaganza it was own clothes day to bring a close to our Lenten fundraising. To take advantage to this we did a Maths lesson with a physical twist out on the field. The children were split into to teams and had to run, hop and wheelbarrow their way to collect different monetary amounts. Each team had a certain amount of money to spend, they had to quickly find the sum of their shopping and deduct it from the money they started with. It got very competitive but most importantly we all had fun while practising arithmetic!

Marvellous Measuring!

Date: 6th Apr 2017 @ 4:17pm

In Maths this week we have been learning about length and measuring. The children wanted to find out who was the tallest and who was the smallest in the class. Can you spot who these children are? The children used lots of mathematical vocabulary such as smaller, taller, longer and shorter. After this the children then decided to draw around each other on the playground, we used cubes to measure the length of each person. We discussed how the cubes were good to use for measuring as they were the same size. Super measuring everyone!

Exciting Story Writing!

Date: 6th Apr 2017 @ 4:04pm

When the children came into class on Monday morning they made some very exciting discoveries! Our classrooms had been visited by some mystery story characters. The children had to use their excellent detective skills to work out who had been in our classrooms and what they had been doing there. The children produced some wonderful writing that included 'Wanted Posters', 'Story Maps ' Stories' and 'Sorry' letters. Can you work out who our mystery visitors were?

Robinwood: Forest Group

Date: 5th Apr 2017 @ 4:40pm

Forest Group had a wonderful time at Robinwood, challenging each other to face their fears and take on something new! Sorry for the delay in the pics, as there was a slight issue with technology.  However, they were worth waiting for. Forest Group worked so well as a team, looking out for each other, encouraging each other and letting each other's lights shine.  Well done Forest Group.  As you can see from the pictures, you were truly amazing!


Marist Centre

Date: 6th Apr 2017 @ 1:31pm

Our class had a fantastic time visiting the Marist Centre together. We Are well and truly in the midst of our preparation for our First Holy Communion. We created role plays, poetry, songs and prayers to create our own service to celebrate receiving Christ. 

Marist Centre Retreat

Date: 4th Apr 2017 @ 6:17pm

Today our class visited the Marist Centre for a special retreat in preparation for Holy Communion. The children learned about The Mass and about the importance of making their First Sacraments. The children were welcomed by the wonderful Marist Sisters who helped to lead us in prayer and in song. Our day also involved dressing up for some performances, playing together and sharing food and drink. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I would also like to express my gratitude to the parent helpers who joined us today and to Mrs Davidson who also helped the children throughout the day.

Dictionary Skills

Date: 10th Apr 2017 @ 3:54pm

In English, we have been practising our dictionary skills.

Collective Worship

Date: 10th Apr 2017 @ 3:57pm

In Year 4 we enjoy preparing our own collective Worship celebration for our class.

Guess the egg winners

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 3:41pm

The winner of our competition was Daniel J from Year 6. Congratulations to Ava, Olivia and Martha who ran this fantastic competition and who raised £80 for Help For Heroes. Well done to all!

Collective Worship

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 2:32pm

Year 1 are really enjoying taking home the Prayer Bags and leading Collective Worship in our class. The children like to set up the focal point themselves, this helps to create a prayerful atmosphere. 

Collective Worship

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 10:32am

Year 3 have really enjoyed taking part in and preparing Collective Worship. Each week a different child has been selected to prepare Collective Worship and to lead the class in prayer and reflection. We have found this experience to be particularly useful as the children are developing a deeper knowledge of their faith whilst also preparing to make their First Sacraments.

Crazy ties and tights!

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 9:32am

On Friday 31st March we wore crazy tights and ties to raise money for Joining Jack. The children were very creative and we even had some homemade ties and tights with added accessories!! 

We are Growing our Mindset

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 9:31am

We have been growing our Mindset in Year 3 and our class have made some 'Beautiful Oops' artwork to celebrate our mistakes and how to turn them into a masterpiece. Our work is based around the book 'Beautiful Oops' by Barney Saltzberg, "When you think you have made a mistake, think of it as an opportunity to make something beautiful."

We are also reading other books to help us grow:

'What to do with an idea?' Written by Kobi Yamada

'Mistakes that worked' written by Charlotte Foltz Jones

'ish' written by Peter H. Reynolds

Crazy Hair Day

Date: 2nd Apr 2017 @ 2:38pm

Year 3 enjoyed getting dressed up for Crazy Hair Day on Friday. Children showed up to school with weird, wonderful and wacky hairdos! There was everything from crazy curls and multi-coloured madness to a bird's nest in someone's hair. However, there was a reason for all of the silly hair. Children in Year 3 were raising money for 'Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group' This is a worthwhile cause which supports children suffering from these conditions and supports their families. During this season of Lent Year 3 have been thinking about what they can give to others and our fundraising will not stop here.

Easter Chick Sale

Date: 2nd Apr 2017 @ 1:29pm

This morning after 10am Mass at St Vincent's Church, a group of children and adults continued selling the Easter chicks that had made by members of our school community. The chicks were extremely popular and many people admired the quality of the chicks which were handcrafted by parents, grandparents, carers and children from our school. The chicks proved to be extremely popular with members of St Vincent's Parish. A suggested donation of £2 was given for each chick sold. All donations will go to Francis House Children's Hospice. We would like to extend a big thank you to all those who made the chicks and those who made donations. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. We still have some chicks left over and they will be available to purchase in school this week.

Pop up Books

Date: 10th Apr 2017 @ 3:51pm

In Year 4, we have been designing pop up books on the theme of Easter as part of our Design Technology lessons.

Robinwood - Hill group

Date: 30th Mar 2017 @ 8:28am

A great time has been had by all in Hill group. The group made up a team song on the way and they are now known as 'Hill Llamas'! 

Day one consisted of the giant swing, trapeze, quest game and the rocket olympics. We were very proud of their team work. It was a full day and the children settled quite early after hot chocolate and team games.

Day two and we've had a fantastic day.  We started with archery then the crate challenge and after a satisfying lunch headed for the climbing wall followed by canoeing and caving. In the evening we did the night line and were targeted by lots of naughty squirrels! 

Day three has started with a challenge activity - an assault course that provided us with a physical challenge and tested our team work skills. Climbing is next followed by the giant zipwire so we're really finishing on a high! What a fantastic trip - we've made so many memories. 

Making rain

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 2:28pm

As part of our Water Cycle topic we wanted to understand the process of condensation. So, we created some of our own!

We used a glass bowl, very hot water, a plate and ice cubes. When the plate (cooled by the ice cubes) was placed on top of the bowl of very hot water we were able to see droplets slowly forming on the underneath of the plate. As more and more droplets collected they started to fall - just like rain!

Robinwood: Desert

Date: 4th Apr 2017 @ 11:27am

Desert group had an absolutely fantastic time at Robinwood, swinging from treetops, climbing up walls like a superhero and working amazingly as a team! 

Hope you enjoy looking through our pictures as much as we did while we were doing the activities! 

Year 6 Lentern Fundraiser Disco

Date: 3rd Apr 2017 @ 10:35am

In order to raise money for our Lentern Charity, Year 6 organised a fundraising disco and all paid £1 to enjoy the fun afternoon.

Contact the School

St Vincent's Catholic Primary School

Orchard Road,
WA15 8EY

Main Contact: Headteacher Mrs Harrop

SEND Contact: Mrs Farrell and Mrs Sutton

Tel: 0161 911 8040


We couldn't be happier with St Vincent's, our children are really happy there. - Parent Survey
It is a wonderful environment, our children are flourishing - Parent Survey
The school ethos gives the children excellent opportunities to develop their spirituality and knowledge of their faith. - Parent Survey
It is a really friendly school, I have been made to feel very welcome. - Parent Survey
We love St Vincent's, keep doing what you are doing! - Parent Survey
Pupil’s behaviour is exemplary, and they respect and care for all in the school community - Denominational Inspection
Ofsted Outstanding Provider Logo
School Games Platinum Award 2021/22-2022/23
CPD champion School
Primary Science Quality Mark 2021-2024
Dyslexia Aware 2022-2025
Diocese of Shrewsbury Logo
Music Mark School Member
United Against Bullying Silver School 2023
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Living Wage Foundation Logo
360 Safe Accredited Safer Online Logo
Primary Geography Quality Mark Gold 2021-24
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools- Silver Right Aware
Leading Parent Partnership Award 2021-2024
EDPA 2022-2025 Award
Trafford Council Inclusion Charter
Improving Children's Mental Health: Place 2 Be