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: News items

Year 3 Trip to the Manchester Museum

Date: 20th Jun 2017 @ 9:22pm

Year 3 went on a trip to the Manchester Museum to learn more about the Ancient Egyptians. We spent last half-term learning lots of facts and information about the Ancient Egyptians. This trip provided the children with an opportunity to further their learning and to discover other aspects of history that are on display at the Manchester Museum. The children and staff thoroughly enjoyed the trip.

Junior Sports Day 2017

Date: 26th Jun 2017 @ 12:59pm

The Junior Sports Day was a fantastic success. The children had a wonderful time, we had great support from family members and the sun even shone!

A special thank you to Tesco's for providing free refreshments for all the children. 

The Normans have invaded!!

Date: 25th May 2017 @ 2:41pm

Oh no, the Normans have invaded St. Vincent's!!!

To celebrate our History day Year 3 have all dressed up as Normans. We have soldiers, kings, princesses and peasants roaming around our classrooms.

It has been a very exciting day, we have voted for a King of England, danced and replicated the Bayeux Tapestry. 

Thank you to all the children and adults at home who have put so much effort into today, it has been fantastic.

History Day

Date: 26th May 2017 @ 2:10pm

We celebrated History day in Reception by dressing up in Roman costumes. Throughout the day the children were involved in a variety of fun activities from food tasting, creating our own mosaic patterns, a Roman numeral hunt to a Roman food menu.

History Day - Miss Coffey's Class

Date: 26th May 2017 @ 2:03pm

We celebrated History day in Reception by dressing up in Roman costumes. Throughout the day the children were involved in a variety of fun activities from food tasting, creating our own mosaic patterns, a Roman numeral hunt to a Roman food menu.

Whole School History Day

Date: 11th Jun 2017 @ 1:53pm

The children (and staff) enjoyed learning about the Normans on our Whole School History Day. We learned about who the Normans were and why there was a Norman Conquest of England. As well as this we created our own Bayeux Tapestry and learned how to dance like Normans. We held an election to see which of the viable candidates would be crowned next King of England. See if you can guess from the pictures who won the election!

Year 4 History Day

Date: 25th May 2017 @ 12:02pm

The children looked very smart in their Victorian Clothes today!

We recited our times tables, learnt a poem off by heart, read from the Bible and had a drill lesson led by Mr Kerigan. When people got things wrong they had to sit in the dunce chair with a dunce hat that the Victorians had many years before.

Isabelle  Hevican rated the day ten out of ten and her favourite part was the fancy handwriting.

The main teachers were Miss Carr,  Mr Kerigan  and  Mrs Duggan, They were very scary! This day was very excititing!

By Liam Finn 


History Day

Date: 25th May 2017 @ 10:53am

Year 6 are enjoying their 60s theme day today. All of the class look groovy in their outfits!

How does our garden grow?

Date: 25th May 2017 @ 2:30pm

Our class have been very busy planting seeds. We have also started to observe and record what happens when we put food colouring into the water of a white flower and some celery. Over the next few days we will write down any changes that we see and decide whether our predictions were correct or not.

May Devotions

Date: 19th May 2017 @ 5:06pm

To celebrate May being the month of Mary, the children St Vincent's all brought in a flower to place at the feet of a statue of Our Lady after a short procession from the Junior Department to the Infants. 

Hand on Heart

Date: 26th May 2017 @ 1:23pm

Today the charity 'Hand on Heart' visited Year 5 to train the children in basic life support and how to use the defibrillators kept in both of our school offices. The children listened very carefully and concentrated on understanding every important step. We hope that they never have to use their training but are very proud that they would now know how to help in case of an emergency. Well done Year 5!

History Day - World War II

Date: 25th May 2017 @ 4:32pm

Today Year 5 got into the character of evacuee children from World War II. We imagined that we had boarded the train from Altrincham, with our National Identity Cards in hand, to travel to a school in the Peak Distract. Here we would be kept safe and out of harm's way. We were sad to leave our parents behind but excited to see brand new sights in the countryside like cows and sheep! Our new school classroom was arranged in rows and we spent our morning completing arithmetic, handwriting and grammar exercises. In the afternoon we were put to work in the allotments; weeding and planting so we could earn our keep. Certainly not an easy job in the sweltering heat! At least we all managed to avoid the cane!

Holy Communion

Date: 18th May 2017 @ 2:08pm

Mr McCann's class celebrated their first Holy Communion on Saturday 13th May. It was a wonderful day and thankfully the rain stayed off long enough for us to enjoy refreshments outside church after the service. The children's behaviour was impeccable and they were reverent and graceful at all times.  Many people complimented the children on their beautiful singing. The Year 3 staff would like to extend their sincere gratitude to the children, their families and all those who helped to make the day such a special occasion.

Watch them grow!

Date: 19th May 2017 @ 8:32pm

We've been growing beans. We planted seeds and beans and now they are starting to take over! We also read the story 'Jacques et les Haricots Magiques'. 

Fantastic children! 

Easter Liturgy

Date: 12th Apr 2017 @ 3:57pm

This week Year 1 performed their Easter Liturgy to the infant children, the teachers and their families. The children were amazing singers and actors and we are all very proud of each and every one of them. Well done! 


Cakes for The Christie

Date: 14th May 2017 @ 9:34am

The wet weather could not put a dampener on our fundraising efforts today. After hearing of the devastating blaze at the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute (at The Christie Hospital), the Mini Vinnies led a whole school event in order to add to the funds to rebuild the institute. One of our parents, Dr James O'Connor, also came to support as his team has been directly affected by the blaze.

Thank you for all of your generous donations and support for this important fundraising event. 

Outdoor RE!

Date: 11th May 2017 @ 2:20pm

In Year 1 today we made the most of the beautiful sunshine by taking the learning outside for a short time. We listened to the story of Jesus appearing to the disciples in the 'upper room' following The Resurrection. We discussed with our talk partners the questions the disciples may have had for Jesus.

Meeting the FA Cup!

Date: 9th May 2017 @ 2:56pm

On Monday, we were given the opportunity to meet Premier League referee Anthony Taylor at Altrincham Community Hall.

Anthony has been named as this years FA Cup Final referee and not only did we get to ask him lots of questions, he also brought the actual FA Cup Final Trophy with him!

As you can see it was a great experience for everyone and Anthony give everyone a real insight into life as a referee. 

Year 2 Treasure Hunt

Date: 5th May 2017 @ 3:16pm

Ahoy me hearties! Shiver me timbers! Yo ho ho!

In Year 2 we have been imagining ourselves to be Pirates, sailing the Seven Seas. We have designed and made our own treasure maps and wrote a list of instructions. Who will find the treasure first?

Today all the Year 2 children went on a Pirate Treasure Hunt. We had to follow the picture clues of different settings we might find on a deserted island; from beautiful blue lagoons with cascading waterfalls to deep, dark jungles full of fearsome creatures to exploding, sizzling volcanoes. Each setting had a mystery letter which we put together to make the final clue. It was all a bit of a jumble and took a little time to decode. At last the secret was revealed! Can you spot the clue to the location of the treasure? 

Altrincham Community Cup

Date: 3rd May 2017 @ 6:11pm

On Tuesday, a Year 3 and Year 4 team from St Vincent's went to the J Davidson Stadium to take part in the Altrincham Community Cup. We were honoured to be invited by Altrincham Football Club to take part. The St Vincent's teams impressed many spectators with their skill, commitment and sportsmanship. The Year 3 team went on to win the Year 3 tournament, bringing the trophy back to St Vincent's. The Year 4s were incredibly unlucky and were defeated in the semi finals after a gruelling penalty shootout. We are very proud of all those who took part and are grateful to those who were able to come and show their support.

Class Talks

Date: 10th Apr 2017 @ 8:03am

During this summer term, the children will have the opportunity to present a talk to the class based on whatever they feel passionate about! Here are the dates for your child's class talk:

Friday 28th April:

Javier, Cormac, Milly

Friday 5th May:

Karina, Lottie, Aaron, Lucie, Christopher, Beatrice

Friday 12th May:

Thomas, Meg, Oskar, Orla, Ethan, Elina

Friday 19th May:

Emily, Liam, Hannah, Patrick, Charlie L, Sara

Thursday 25th May:

Brooke, Callum, Mary-Kate

Friday 26th May:

Becky, Oliver, Neith, Matthew, Emila, Charlie SF

Looking forward to hearing them all!


Miss Hobday

Happy Easter

Date: 16th Apr 2017 @ 12:10pm

The Year 6 children and the Mini Vinnies have been making Easter cards for residents of local Care Homes. Grace has been helping to deliver them - this morning we visited the Lady of the Vale in Bowdon.

Sister Magdelene was very pleased to receive the cards and she sent special Easter blessings to all of the families at St. Vincent's.

Easter Liturgy

Date: 12th Apr 2017 @ 3:48pm

This week Year 1 performed their Easter Liturgy to the infant children, the teachers and their families. The children were amazing singers and actors and we are all very proud of each and every one of them. Well done! 


Goodbye and good luck Iseult!

Date: 12th Apr 2017 @ 3:39pm

Today we said goodbye to our friend Iseult! We wish her much happiness in her new home and school in Ireland. 

Good luck and best wishes from all at St Vincent's 

Stations of the Cross

Date: 11th Apr 2017 @ 3:49pm

Following our Easter Liturgy this morning our Year 1 children continued their Holy Week experience by taking part in a reflection on the Stations of the Cross. 

Contact the School

St Vincent's Catholic Primary School

Orchard Road,
WA15 8EY

Main Contact: Headteacher Mrs Harrop

SEND Contact: Mrs Farrell and Mrs Sutton

Tel: 0161 911 8040


We couldn't be happier with St Vincent's, our children are really happy there. - Parent Survey
It is a wonderful environment, our children are flourishing - Parent Survey
The school ethos gives the children excellent opportunities to develop their spirituality and knowledge of their faith. - Parent Survey
It is a really friendly school, I have been made to feel very welcome. - Parent Survey
We love St Vincent's, keep doing what you are doing! - Parent Survey
Pupil’s behaviour is exemplary, and they respect and care for all in the school community - Denominational Inspection
Ofsted Outstanding Provider Logo
School Games Platinum Award 2021/22-2022/23
CPD champion School
Primary Science Quality Mark 2021-2024
Dyslexia Aware 2022-2025
Diocese of Shrewsbury Logo
Music Mark School Member
United Against Bullying Silver School 2023
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Living Wage Foundation Logo
360 Safe Accredited Safer Online Logo
Primary Geography Quality Mark Gold 2021-24
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools- Silver Right Aware
Leading Parent Partnership Award 2021-2024
EDPA 2022-2025 Award
Trafford Council Inclusion Charter
Improving Children's Mental Health: Place 2 Be