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: News items

Collective Worship

Date: 3rd Oct 2017 @ 10:08am

George and Aleena have led the class in our pupil led collective worship. They both read scripture from the Old Testament and ran reflective and respectful activities linked to it.

Monster Madness

Date: 22nd Sep 2017 @ 3:59pm

This week we read the book 'Not Now Bernard' and we had lots of fun imitating the monster in the story. We all took part in a freeze frame activity where we had to show different emotions. We then got into our classes and drew our own monsters. We added colour and then came up with 2AD phrases to go with what we had drawn. It was a great team effort by all! 

Roald Dahl Day

Date: 22nd Sep 2017 @ 3:50pm

Last week on Wednesday it was Roald Dahl Day. In Year Two we all had lots of fun creating our very own 'marvellous medicine'. We put lots of interesting ingredients into it and we all came up with our own adjectives to describe our medicine. 

100 Books to Read in Year 5 & 6

Date: 21st Sep 2017 @ 2:03pm

Reading gives your imagination wings! Let them transport you to new worlds and introduce you to amazing people who live exciting lives. Fly away with a good book!

The Year 5 & 6 children are being encouraged to embrace their love of reading by working their way through this list of 100 books. It has been wonderful to see so many children walking around with their head in a book. So many wonderful books to choose from, I wonder if anyone will manage to read them all! Once you've read a book from the list remember to tick your name off on the display that can be found in each of the Year 5 & 6 classrooms. How many will you manage to read this year?


Start of the Year Whole School Mass

Date: 21st Sep 2017 @ 10:44pm

The community of St. Vincent's descended on the Junior Playground this morning for our first whole school Mass of the year.  The singing was wonderful, the service was beautiful and the atmosphere was purposeful.  Father John led a reflective homily, explaining how peaceful we can be at school together and talking about his discussions with the new Reception children.  As you can see from our pictures, expertly taken by one our parents, it was a special occasion indeed.  Many thanks for all of the staff and pupils who put the Mass together, especially Mrs McDuff and Mr McCann.  Also, a very special thank you to all of the parents, grandparents and friends of St Vincent's who joined us for Mass.

Trafford Junior Neighbourhood Watch Project

Date: 15th Sep 2017 @ 3:09pm

Graham Roe from the Trafford Junior Neighbourhood Watch Project came in today to start working with our Year 5 children. Over the year he will be working with one class each term to help them to understand dangers and situations they may face in their lives including e-safety. We will be carrying out a range of activities to help our children to uphold British values and be good citizens in modern society. Mrs Sutton's class loved their first session and have already come out with all sorts of fantastic ideas!

Roald Dahl

Date: 5th Oct 2017 @ 12:53pm

We celebrated the life and work of Roald Dahl with lots of fun activities and tried to write our own stories based on Roald Dahl's stories. 

Hunting for wildlife!

Date: 13th Sep 2017 @ 8:18pm

Today the Year 1 children enjoyed some short-lived sunshine and went exploring the school grounds for wildlife. The outdoor lesson was part of our science topic 'Animal Antics'. We worked in teams and used a tally chart to record what we saw. Later we returned to class to write up our findings. 

Junior Buddies

Date: 18th Sep 2017 @ 11:27am

Year 6 loved welcoming their Year 3 buddy into the Junior Department. 

Alladin! in pictures

Date: 15th Sep 2017 @ 5:17am

Alladin! This was an amazing performance of our Year 2 children at the end of the summer term. Thank you to all our children who made their participation "Shine!".

Thank you to all teachers and teaching assistants involved in making this a wonderful and powerful performance.  

If you want to save any pictures, select the picture, right-click and save it to your computer. Thank you to Mr Noble, who took the pictures, for his availability, time and expertise.

Boys League One Football

Date: 1st Oct 2017 @ 10:57am

The League One team began their campaign on Friday evening at Timperley Cricket Club. As a team who had not played together before they turned a set of admirable performances. Over the course of the evening you could see the St Vincent's boys starting to gel as a team. We played two fixtures, losing the first game to a strong Bollin side, 3-0. However, as that game ended there were signs that we were coming together as a team. The next game was against another good side (Stamford Park). We put in an excellent team performance and were able to win 2-0. I was very proud of the attitude displayed boys that played on Friday and I would like to express my gratitude for the parents who were able to turn up to show their support.

Mr McCann

Year 5 Health and Wellbeing Day

Date: 20th Jul 2017 @ 2:18pm

Year 5 have had an incredible day at BTH doing fun activities such as Boxercise, Yoga and Zumba! Thank you to Mr McGuiness who organised everything for us! 

Stockley Farm Trip

Date: 19th Jul 2017 @ 10:48pm

On Monday, Reception visited Stockley Farm. The sun shone and the children had a fantastic time. After snacks and a drink, we learnt about horses, brushed a donkey then went on a tractor ride into the woods for a nature walk. We identified a variety of trees and searched for badger, fox and mole holes. The children found an old tree and attempted to measure its trunk by joining hands around it. Lunch and play was next, followed by feeding chickens, baby goats and a lamb. We saw huge pigs, new born calves and foals then were allowed to stroke a guinnea pig, rabbit and ferret. They were so soft! After that, we had just enough time to have another quick drink and play on a bouncy castle before climbing on the coach, exhausted, to return back to school. What a great day!!!!

Stockley Farm 2017

Date: 20th Jul 2017 @ 8:05am

The Reception classes recently enjoyed an exciting day out at Stockley Farm. The children made some new and interesting friends and had the opportunity to feed some of them. The children particularly liked the guinea pig Gilbert! We also explored the surrounding woodland and went on a minibeast hunt. We even enjoyed a ride on the back of the tractor.

300 Club 16/17 Winners

Date: 7th Dec 2015 @ 1:59pm

Congratulations to the following winners of the 300 Club 16/17 Draw!

November 2016

First prize £200 - Mrs Dan

Second prize £50 - Mr Breingan

December 2016

First prize £100 - Mrs Bradbury

Second prize £25 - Mr da Gama-Rose

January 2017

First prize £100 - Mrs Lambe

Second prize £25 - Mrs Staunton

February 2017

First prize £100 - Mrs Higson

Second prize £25 - Mrs Butler

March 2017

First prize £100 - Mrs Staunton

Second prize £25 - Mrs Etheridge

April 2017

First prize £100 - Mrs O'Cualain

Second prize £25 - Mrs McLaughlin

May 2017

First prize £100 - Mr Kendrew

Second prize £25 - Mr and Mrs Donnelly

June 2017

First prize £100 - Mrs Lawson

Second prize £25 - Mrs McGoff

July 2017

First prize £100 - Mrs Armstrong

Second prize £25 - Mrs Domachowska

August 2017

First prize £200 - Mr Thorgaard

Second prize £50 - Mrs Dong

Tennis taster session

Date: 6th Jul 2017 @ 11:53am

Will and Matt came to give us a taster session of tennis today.

We learnt how to serve and played a fun game called 'Tidy your bedroom' where we had to clear all of the tennis balls from our side of the net!

Reception Sports Day

Date: 3rd Jul 2017 @ 4:41pm

Today was Reception's first sports day. An exciting and fun-packed afternoon was had by all. The children all participated in a flat race, followed by either an egg and spoon, sack or obstacle race. Many thanks to the families who came to support the children and an extra special well done to those parents who were brave enough to take part! The children have had a fantastic afternoon and the sun finally shone!

All Rise!

Date: 30th Jun 2017 @ 7:18pm

Some of the Year 6 children took a break from Joseph rehearsals today. We were very lucky to be invited to the first Mock Trial Competition organised by the Greater Manchester Magistrate Association; an exciting opportunity to gain some insight into what happens in a real court. We travelled to the Friends' Meeting House in Manchester, after preparing to play the various roles as the Defence Team. These included: Usher, Solicitor, Magistrate, Witness, Court Artist, Court Reporter and the Defendent. All of the children were fantastic in their roles and were great ambassadors for St. Vincent's. We convinced "the bench" that our defendant was not guitly and were delighted with the result.

Whilst we were taking part in the trial we were lucky enough to meet the High Sheriff and MP Graham Brady who were there to watch the primary schools competing against each other. Watch this space for competition results.

Sports Week Mile Walk

Date: 30th Jun 2017 @ 2:37pm

Year 4 and Year 1 joined together for a mile walk around the school as part of our Sports Week!

Year 5 Loreto Science trip

Date: 29th Jun 2017 @ 8:16am

Miss Hobday's class had a wonderful afternoon at Loreto this afternoon, carrying out science experiments. The children learnt how to separate solids and liquids using filter paper and then safely used bunsen burners to separate salt and water. 

The Elephant Thief - Author, Jane Kerr, comes to visit St Vincent's!

Date: 29th Jun 2017 @ 4:28pm

The Year 4, 5 & 6 children were delighted to get the opportunity to meet a real life author yesterday. Jane Kerr, a previous parent at the school, has written a top selling children's book about the exciting journey of a boy and an elephant travelling from Edinburgh to Manchester. As well as hearing the astonishing true story behind the plot of the book they were able to pick up some fantastic writing tips!

We even found out that one of our family's at the school are ancestors of the keeper, Lorenzo Lawrence, who was the real life companion to the elephant, Maharaja, back in 1872. Emma and Jane can be seen below having a special photo taken together to mark the unbelievable connection.

If Jane's visit captured the imagination of your child, 'The Elephant Thief' can still be purchased through school using ParentPay. She has also very kindly offered to visit again before the end of term to sign any copies bought from school or elsewhere.

Jane's visit has certainly inspired some of our children as they have already started writing the first chapter of their own books! Keep going, who knows what the future holds for our talented young authors!

Victorians trip to Dunham Massey

Date: 30th Jun 2017 @ 8:55am

We visited Dunham Massey to find out more about what life was life for Lord Stamford, his family and the servants that looked after them and the house.

We learnt about the jobs of a laundry maid, a footman, a housemaid and a kitchen maid. Making jam tarts, polishing silver, washing cloths with a dolly and pretending to clean out the chamber pots were the highlights!

We then had an opportunity to look into the archives and find information from copies of the census from 1851.

In the afternoon we were part of a trial for a man who was accused of poaching. 

Everyone had a great day and we learnt a LOT!

Sports Day- UKS2

Date: 26th Jun 2017 @ 4:36pm

Well done to all the children who participated in Sports Day this morning! All children gave it their all and made all of us proud. Congratulations to Miss Hobday's, Mrs Gough's and Mrs O'Keefe's classes who came first.

Our school trip to Brockholes

Date: 23rd Jun 2017 @ 3:24pm

We all had a great day on our school trip! We started the day with pond dipping where we found lots of different fishes and insects. We then went on a minibeast hunt in the forestry. We used magnifying glasses to look closely at what we found. Finally we finished the day with den building.  We have all had a wonderful trip and we are looking forward to following up what we learnt today in school next week. A big thank you to the parents who helped out, it is much appreciated. 

Summer Music Concert

Date: 20th Jun 2017 @ 6:52pm

St Vincent's celebrated all things musical this evening with a summer concert for our Junior children.  The hall was packed to see many individual and group performances, including the St Vincent's Band and Choirs. What a wonderful event. Thanks must go as always to Mrs Mackenzie for organising the evening, as well as to all of our fantastic performers. We're so lucky to have such talented children!

Contact the School

St Vincent's Catholic Primary School

Orchard Road,
WA15 8EY

Main Contact: Headteacher Mrs Harrop

SEND Contact: Mrs Farrell and Mrs Sutton

Tel: 0161 911 8040


We couldn't be happier with St Vincent's, our children are really happy there. - Parent Survey
It is a wonderful environment, our children are flourishing - Parent Survey
The school ethos gives the children excellent opportunities to develop their spirituality and knowledge of their faith. - Parent Survey
It is a really friendly school, I have been made to feel very welcome. - Parent Survey
We love St Vincent's, keep doing what you are doing! - Parent Survey
Pupil’s behaviour is exemplary, and they respect and care for all in the school community - Denominational Inspection
Ofsted Outstanding Provider Logo
School Games Platinum Award 2021/22-2022/23
CPD champion School
Primary Science Quality Mark 2021-2024
Dyslexia Aware 2022-2025
Diocese of Shrewsbury Logo
Music Mark School Member
United Against Bullying Silver School 2023
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Living Wage Foundation Logo
360 Safe Accredited Safer Online Logo
Primary Geography Quality Mark Gold 2021-24
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools- Silver Right Aware
Leading Parent Partnership Award 2021-2024
EDPA 2022-2025 Award
Trafford Council Inclusion Charter
Improving Children's Mental Health: Place 2 Be