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: News items

Referendum Debate

Date: 23rd Jun 2016 @ 9:05pm

The Year 6 children took part in a debate about the referendum today.

So what are the advantages and disadvantages of being a part of Europe? Would Britain be better off staying inside the club or going it alone? These were just some of the questions that have been considered.

The motion: "Britain should leave the EU" was opposed - the opposition had a clear victory with over 75% of votes!

Infant Department Sports Day

Date: 23rd Jun 2016 @ 4:38pm

The sun shone today for our annual sports day and kept on shining all day! The children put in 100% and were able to demonstrate skills learnt in athletics sessions over the past few weeks.  They showed determination, teamwork and perseverance as they cheered each other on and took part in the different races. Parents, grandparents  and younger siblings turned up in great numbers to support us - thank you!

Well done to everyone who took part and tried their best. The winning teams were as follows -

3rd Place   - England and Netherlands (joint third place)

2nd Place - Poland

1st Place - Spain

Certificates will be given out at the Good News Assembly on Friday.

Thank you to Miss Butler (Infant Dept PE Subject Leader) and to Tom and Sam from Soccerwise who organised the event.

National School Sports Week:Indoboarding and Slacklining

Date: 22nd Jun 2016 @ 4:57pm

As part of our celebration of National School Sports Week, St. Vincent's were delighted to welcome Leo and Sarah from FlowBalance, who came to deliver an exciting session of Indoboarding and Slack-lining.  

The first two sessions were awarded to children in the KS2 department who have had 100% attendance all year.  The final session was for any children or parents to come at the end of the day and try the disciplines for themselves. As you can see from the pictures, the whole afternoon was a great success and it was wonderful to see so many interested children, teachers and parents trying to improve their balance and core strength.  


Yearbook fundraising

Date: 22nd Jun 2016 @ 12:33pm

The Year 6 children are continuing their great efforts with fundraising to pay for their yearbooks. They baked lots of delicious cakes to sell to the parents who were celebrating Year 3 Holy Communion, plus there were plenty left for Junior department cake sales at break time. 

We are also continuing with our "mile a day" challenge to ensure we have a healthy and balanced lifestyle!

Well done everyone, what a great team effort. Thanks to everyone who brought in and bought cakes, we raised just over £500!

Yearbook team - George, Isaac, Natalie, Luke, Henrik, Giulio

Champions: PowerLeague Football Tournament

Date: 20th Jun 2016 @ 11:36pm

As part of National School Sports Week, St. Vincent's were invited to a 'Euros 2016' Football Tournament at PowerLeague, Soccerdome, to participate in a Y1/2, Y3/4, Y5/6 Boys and Y5/6 Girls competition.

The day involved the teams playing in groups to establish the semi finalists in each category.  The Y1/2 team reached the final before losing narrowly 2-0 in the final.  The Y3/4 team played really well and although they didn't qualify for the semi-finals, they won their final game 6-1. The Y5/6 Boys got off to a bad start, losing their first game.  But they won their remaining games and only missed out on a semi final spot on goal difference (by one goal!).

The Y5/6 Girls were dominant in their group, winning all three of their fixtures 5-0, 7-0, 7-0.  That set up a semi final against Park Road, Sale.  Thanks to two early goals from Mollie, the girls took control, winning 5-0 and setting up a final against Elmridge.  All of the girls played superbly, winning the competition with a comfortable 3-1 win.  

During the day, the children were offered the opportunity to play 'Zorb' Football and also to have a taster session at the Oxygen Freejumping centre which was next door.  

As you can see from the pictures, the children had a wonderful day.

Sports Week

Date: 17th Jun 2016 @ 2:04pm


Dear Parents,

This year we will be supporting and promoting National Sports Week. It commences on Monday 20 June. We all recognise the importance of keeping fit and healthy and want to ensure the children experience a fun packed week where they can participate in new and exciting sports. 

We hope that our School Sports Week will encourage children to be more active and celebrate PE and school sport. Throughout the week we will also be talking to the children about the importance of staying fit and healthy.

Here is our sporting schedule:

Monday 20 June:

Football tournament at Power League Soccerdome to celebrate The European Championships (Y1-6)

Tuesday 21 June:

Infant Mini Mile

Wednesday 22 June:

Indo Boarding (Balance boarding) taster session for children with 100% attendance in KS2.

Thursday 23 June:

Year 3 Inline Skating

Year 1 and 2 sports day start 9:30am finish 11:30am

Reception sports day start 1:45pm finish 2:45pm                

Friday 24 June:

Year 3 and 4 sports day start 9:30am finish 11:30pm                                      

Year 5 and 6 sports day start 1:15pm finish 3:15pm

The Junior children will practise Olympic disciplines in their PE sessions with Mr Upton this week in line with our Olympic theme.

Parents are welcome to attend sports days. If you are able to help out during sports day, either for the year 3/4 or year 5/ 6 for scoring or refreshments, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

We are looking forward to a really exciting week in school and hoping the weather will be kind to us!

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Butler (PE Subject Leader)

Miss Coyle (PE Subject Leader)

Gym-tastic News!!! Beth Tweddle comes to St. Vincent's

Date: 15th Jun 2016 @ 1:38pm

'Simply the Beth'

In the build up to National Schools Sports Week we were delighted today to welcome a special visitor to St. Vincent’s . Olympic bronze medalist Beth Tweddle took time out of her busy schedule to speak to the children at St. Vincent’s about her journey as an award winning  gymnast.

As Britain’s greatest ever-female gymnast, Beth’s impressive achievements include being an Olympic Bronze Medalist, a triple World Champion, a six-time European Champion, a Commonwealth Champion and seven-times consecutive National Champion. Beth has also competed at three Olympic Games; Athens 2004, Beijing 2008 and London 2012 - where she won Bronze in the Uneven Bars.

Beth’s journey began at the age of seven, when she was as young as our Year 2s.  Her achievements place her in the ‘greatest of all time’ category within her sport. Her medals haul started at the 2002 Commonwealth Games where she collected Gold and two Silvers. Over the next decade she would go on to win over 20 more Gold medals, competing all over the World in major Championships.

In 2007, Beth graduated from Liverpool John Moores University with 2:1 in Sports Science and then went on to study Physiotherapy at the University of Liverpool, which she deferred to allow her to fully concentrate on training for the 2012 Games. In 2010, Beth was included in the Queen's New Years Honours List, and received an MBE for her success, commitment and dedication to gymnastics.

You may also have seen Beth in the 2013 series of ITV's Dancing on Ice, which she won with skating partner Daniel Whiston. She undertook this challenge whilst taking a break from competitive gymnastics.

Beth has since retired from competitive gymnastics but is very much involved as a director and ambassador of ‘Total Gymnastics’. Beth and fellow Olympian, Steve Parry, set up the company to provide the opportunity for as many children as possible to take up gymnastics, within schools, leisure centres and gymnastics clubs to help develop the sport around the country. We have been very fortunate to have benefitted from these gymnastic classes in school and hope to develop this area further in the future.

Beth led a presentation for the pupils in both the Infant and Junior departments and gave signed photographs to those children who correctly answered the questions to the quiz she had prepared.

Thank you Beth for inspiring us with your incredible journey – St. Vincent’s has a history of sporting success and who knows maybe budding Olympians and award winning sportsmen and women of the future!

For more information about Beth please click on the link below -

Beth Tweddle



St Vincent's International Day

Date: 10th Jun 2016 @ 2:35pm

United in Diversity

Deeply moving, amazing, emotional. These are just some of the words used to describe our beautiful International Mass, celebrated in school this morning by Father Martin, from the parish of Holy Angels, along with the staff, parents and pupils of St. Vincent's. 

The readings were each presented in two languages by some of our superb bilingual children, while everyone joined in with hymns and prayers from around the globe. Throughout mass, we were reminded of our unity in God's family by flags and symbols, such as that of the United Nations and the Olympic Rings.

Father Martin spoke very movingly of how we are as one family in the eyes of God, saying that there are no countries or boundaries to separate us in heaven. He reminded us that a smile can be in any language, but it is always in the language of love and he made our day by singing for us. It was a simple, beautiful song, written by himself, that spoke of God's everlasting love for us all. Let's not forget the invitation he made to us to create our own poems on the theme of unity in diversity- us, God's creation, mankind.

After mass, we all enjoyed a bountiful offering of delicious food from all corners of the world, as children brought in samples of their favourites. Thank-you to all the parents for your response in donating such varied and generous amounts. Thanks also to Father Martin and Mr McCann who prepared the mass, to Ms Carr who provided music and to Mrs Kaczmarczyk who organised the food. However, the biggest congratulations must go to our amazing children, whose multilingual talents are living examples of God's gifts.

Have a look at the photos and I'm sure you'll agree - we look forward to making this an annual event!




Year 5/6 Cricket Tournament: Champions!

Date: 11th Jun 2016 @ 9:44am

Thursday 9th June 2016: What a glorious day to play a game of cricket...and a team comprising of eight girls and nine boys from Year 5 and Year 6 did just that. The tournament was played at Timperley C.C and the girls played their first match on pitch one against Loreto 1.

The St Vincent's girls were very apprehensive because their cricket skills were a little rusty but nevertheless the game began. Loreto 1 chose to field first and St Vincent's went to the crease. The ball was flying everywhere,the girls sweeping boundaries right, left and centre. The first game was over.  St Vincent's finished on a score of 215.  It was Loreto to the crease and the ball was being put through its paces by our amazing bowlers. Catches were being made but Loreto 1 just pipped us to the post by two runs as they finished on 217. First game over.

The St Vincent's girls were feeling a little anxious, but after tactical team talks and a team chant they were ready to go again. Game two against Cloverlea, bring it on!

St Vincents won the toss with our lucky coin and they chose to bat first. What a game. The ball was on fire, streaming across the pitch. We finished on 215 again. Cloverlea came to the crease and once again that ball was flying and Cloverlea were running. The last ball was bowled by Harriet. It went soaring into the air, both teams were aghast, Izzy  looked up, stepped forward and caught the ball. There was jubilation as it meant that Cloverlea finished on 209.St Vincent's girls had won thanks to that magnificent catch and great team work.


That was the boost St Vincent's girls needed as they progressed to their third game against Loreto 2.  St Vincent's fielded first.  Once again there was great communication amongst the team, superb bowling and catching skills. Loreto finished on 228. Come on St Vincent's girls was the roar from the crowd as up first to bat was  Molly and once again that ball went speeding through the air.  The girls' determination shone through as they rallied one another on.  They finshed on 233 and they were through to the 'seeding final'. We all waited tensely for the next team to go was Loreto 1.

The final game was explosive as once again St Vincent's fielded first.  Fabulous bowling and amazing catches were seen throughout as the girls of Loreto finished with an impressive 221. Loreto played with so much spirit and gave St Vincent's a good game.  St Vincent's finished on 238, winning by 17 runs. 

The girls are now through to the next tournament. GO TEAM ST VINCENT'S!















A visit from our local MP Graham Brady

Date: 20th May 2016 @ 2:20pm

St. Vincent's were delighted to welcome Altrincham and Sale West MP, Graham Brady, to meet our Year 5&6 children.  Graham spent the afternoon discussing what it is like to be a member of parliament and what it means to be part of a political party, before meeting our Youth Parliament members who grilled Graham about local and national issues. We were very grateful for Graham coming to visit us, especially on his birthday. 

Please see a recording of the interview below.  Many of the children enjoyed the experience:

"Mr Brady explained his answers deeply and helped me understand more what Members of Parliament do." (Abigail, Year 6)

"Everybody enjoyed the full experience and we all have learnt lots about his input to political issues." (Gabriella, Year 6)

"Mr Brady is a very interesting and intelligent man. He has taught me a lot about Parliament and our area." (Lottie, Year 6)

"His answers helped us understand politics as young people." (Sammy, Year 6)

"It was a great experience, one that I thoroughly enjoyed and will never forget." (Isaac, Year 5)

"At the beginning it was nerve-racking but i found it super fun by the end." (Michael, Year 5)

"Mr Brady is a fair person, with things I agreed with and things I didn't, but I really enjoyed meeting him." (Ella, Year 5)

Year 4 Fundraisers

Date: 13th May 2016 @ 12:43pm

Emma and Jessica in year 4 took it upon themselves to arrange and art competition for all of the year 3 and 4 children. They arranged the competition to raise money for charity. In just one morning, they raised £10 and have donated the money to Cancer Research! Well done girls! 

Year 4 Community Shield Winners!

Date: 10th May 2016 @ 11:47am

On a sizzling afternoon, Mr McCann and Mr Blain took a team of boys and girls to compete in the Altrincham FC Community Shield, held at Altrincham Football Club. 

The Year 4 team had group games against Park Road Academy (6-0 win), Stamford Park (2-2 draw) and Bollin (1-0 loss) before a tense semi-final against Stamford Park.  Two quick fire goals from Oscar took St. Vincent's into a comfortable 2-0 lead at the half time interval, with the whole team working hard and working well together.  However, after half time, Stamford Park attacked with gusto, scoring an excellent goal to bring the tie to a tense close. Ethan stayed resolute throughout in goal, rarely giving any opportunities for the opposition to get a sniff at goal. with only seconds left, Thomas finished the tie, firing home a stunning effort after a brilliant solo run.  St. Vincent's were in the final against Brexton.

The final was thrilling, with excellent performances around the park, notably from the interplay between Thomas, Lily, Aaron and Oscar and the excellent defending from Jasmine, Kitty and Rose.  One effort from Oscar was cleared off the line and another flew past the post.  Ethan did well to save a few Brexton efforts before Thomas and Oscar scored excellent goals to put St.Vincent's in a commanding position.  The defence stayed strong and the shield was secured as the final whistle blew and St. Vincent's were declared the champions!

Well done to the whole team for a wonderful achievement.

St George's Day

Date: 9th May 2016 @ 4:35pm

On Monday 25th April the Mini Vinnies and Key Stage 2 choir hosted members of the SVP for afternoon tea. The theme of our tea party was St George's Day.

The Mini VInnies gave a presentation about everything they have been doing since the start of the year and discussed our plans for the future. The choir performed a range of songs for our visitors. We enjoyed getting to know members of the SVP from Holy Angels and St VIncent's. The visitors were very impressed by our work, manners and singing. We hope to maintain strong links with local SVP members in future.

St. Vincent's netball: the story so far...

Date: 9th May 2016 @ 4:27pm

A big congratulations to our netball team who have just won a place at The Manchester Games tournament. This comes after a very successful season this year.  We placed 2nd in the Altrincham tournament and won a chance to play in the Trafford tournament. We were against very hard competition but our players, with support and great teamwork, came 3rd. From here we have received the fantastic news that one team has regrettably had to drop out so we have been given the opportunity to play in The Manchester Games. 

Good luck!

Robinwood 2016: Stream Group

Date: 9th May 2016 @ 4:32pm

The recent Y5 residential to Dobroyd Castle in Todmorden was enjoyed by children and staff. Children experienced a range of activities - Giant Zipwire, Trapeze, Raft Building, Canoeing, Knightsquest, Dungeon of Doom and the most feared of all...the Piranha Pool!!!

The children were a credit to the school and made memories that they will remember forever!

Social Networking Information

Date: 25th Apr 2016 @ 11:40pm

As part of St. Vincent's continued drive to keep children safe when using the internet, please follow this link to the Net Aware website, which provides information on various social networking sites that are used by children today.  

If you have any questions or queries regarding social networking and the role of technology in your child's social and emotional education, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Blain in the Junior Department.


Hockey Tournament

Date: 2nd Apr 2016 @ 5:02pm


Our hockey team were fantastic during the final tournament on the Tuesday we broke up for Easter. We won all three games, with Elkie (who had only played hockey once before) scoring a great goal!

We then heard the fantastic news that we had come second in the league! A big congratulations to the whole team! What a great start to the Easter holidays!

Easter "Eggstravaganza"

Date: 19th Mar 2016 @ 7:39am

The annual PTA Easter event was lots of fun once again. 

Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped make it a success, to everyone who donated chocolate and treats, and to all of the children and parents who came to enjoy the event.

A special mention should go to the Year 6 children who designed all of the posters for the stalls, and to the team of girls who managed the eggs in a jar game all week. Thank you Natalie, Rose, Fenella and Lucy, you have certainly proved your entrepreneurial skills.

The Easter bunny himself even managed to make an appearance. What an "eggciting" Friday!

Year 6 Loreto STEM visit

Date: 17th Mar 2016 @ 2:03pm

We arrived at Loreto bright and early to take part in the STEM workshop (Science Technology Engineering Maths). We started by talking about a rolling bridge called the "Cauldron" designed by Thomas Heatherwick. He used a lot of mathematics and engineering to develop it

Our first task was to make a simple deployable structure - a party blower!

George said it was tricky at first because if the sellotape isn't placed in the right places the air escapes and it doesn't function. Abby G put too much glue on hers but the second attempt was a success. Rose had some condensation issues when she put too much glue inside the blower, but also managed to rectify it quickly!

Then we moved to another room where we were presented with two challenges - making your own mosquito net and designing a rolling bridge.

With the mosquito net challenge we first built different sized cuboids to replicate different styles of net. We calculated the surface area and volume to compare how they could be used. The problem with mosquito nets is that people find them difficult to hang over their beds without them touching their skin. So, we were tasked with making a frame for the net (against the clock) using straws and right angle connectors. 

During the break we were introduced to some robots which were controlled using Scratch on iPads. Giulio especially enjoyed having a go at this, and we challenged them to guide a path through a leg tunnel. 

The rolling bridge challenge still remains but we will complete that back at school. What a fantastic morning, thanks to all the talented girls at Loreto who looked after us very well. We even caught up with some past pupils from Loreto, including Jessica Taylor who recently won two categories in the TeenTech Awards.

The photos give an insight into all of the fun we had.

Bowdon Festival

Date: 14th Mar 2016 @ 1:43pm

Wednesday morning saw our very excited Infant and Junior Choirs perform at the Altrincham and District Schools’ Music Festival, held at the Bowdon Assembly Rooms. It was the culmination of many weeks of hard work, and what an amazing experience it was for them all! The children were entranced by a variety of vocal performances from local schools, ranging from traditional choral pieces to modern chart hits. All ages and abilities took part, demonstrating that anyone with enthusiasm and commitment can perform.

Our Junior choir, a substantial 45+ children, performed ‘Footprints In the Sand’ followed by extracts from the musical, Matilda. Their performance was excellent with wonderful expression and timing. After setting the bar very high the Infant Choir, made up of 25 Year 2 children, took to the stage. Nerves were put to one side and enthusiasm and excitement took over. The choir performed ‘Yesterday’ by The Beatles, followed by a Wizard of Oz medley. Clearly enjoying themselves, the children sang beautifully and showcased the huge talent that we have within our school. Both choirs received a glowing report from the adjudicator, Mrs Wright. All the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Highlights (as commented on by the children) were seeing the Mayor and of course, travelling on a double decker bus!

A huge thank you to Mrs Crook, Miss Hobday, Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs Lindsay, and all of the parents and grandparents who came along to support us, children and staff involved. It was very much appreciated. 

IMPORTANT UPDATE!!! Removal of the Egg

Date: 10th Mar 2016 @ 3:29pm

The egg has now been removed by the forensics team who conducted an investigation of the surrounding area. It will be collected by a curator from the 'Museum of Strange and Unusual Objects' this evening. The Museum have assured us that they will keep us informed of the progress of their investigation into the identity of this strange object...

STOP PRESS!!! The Mysterious Egg...

Date: 10th Mar 2016 @ 12:13pm

Mystery and intrigue descended on the school today when an unusual object was found on the school field by the Caretaker, Mr Brindley. He had been alerted by the school alarm company when the alarms in the nursery, infant and junior buildings went off at 3.33am. On further investigation (after finding no signs of forced entry in the building) he discovered a large egg on the school field. A number of clues lay beside the egg and after discussion with Mrs Harrop by telephone, the police were called. The area was cordoned off with strict instructions not to disturb the crime scene. 

Further clues were found by the children of St. Vincent's as they arrived at school this morning. The Police returned at 10.30am and Officer  Warmsley continued the investigation. Evidence was collected and statements taken. CCTV footage was copied for additional evidence. Connor McNamara from BBC 5live arrived on the scene with his recording equipment. He was amazed at the 'find' and interviewed a number of eager amateur sleuths. 

Different theories have been discussed across the school from nursery to year 6. Some say it is a dragon or dinosaur egg; others an alien and there has been talk of the Easter bunny but this was dismissed by the Police as 'eggsagerration' rather than fact!! Officer Warmsley said " We believe that this is a case for the 'Museum of Strange Objects' and they have referred the case to their forensics department who will be visiting this afternoon".

Mr Brindley was unavailable for comment but Mrs Harrop has said " I have never seen such an occurrence in all my years as a Headteacher. I knew that St. Vincent's was a special school but this is on another scale. I have been briefed and am being kept up to date with the investigation".

As we publish this statement, children across the school are putting pen (or pencil) to paper and creating a detailed account of the events that have unfolded this morning. 

Check back soon for more information ...

World Book Day 2016

Date: 3rd Mar 2016 @ 10:28am

St. Vincent's was awash with children who had dressed up as their favourite book character today as we celebrated World Book Day 2016.  It is a day full of celebrating the wonder of books and the characters within them.

The Infant and Junior departments began the day with a fashion parade in the hall, where winners were chosen to win a free book from our school book fair.

All of the teachers were very impressed with the hard work that went in to everybody's costume!  Well done everyone.  

Straight after the assembly, the Junior Department welcomed children from the Infant and Nursery Departments to receive books that the Junior pupils had created for the younger children.  It took a lot of hard work and dedication by the older children to create books that were tailored to each individual child's interests.  As you will see from the photos, it was a truly magical experience for all!

You can see photos from each class by clicking on the following links:

Reception:     Mrs Crook's Class            Miss Coffey's Class              Mrs McDuff's Class

Year 1:          Miss Gavin's Class            Miss Butler's Class              Mrs Sheldon's Class

Year 2:         Mrs Sharvin's Class           Mr Nicholls' Class                Miss Hobday's Class

Year 3:         Mr McCann's Class           Miss Slater's Class               Mrs Gerrard's Class       

Year 4:        Mrs Bloor's Class               Mrs Kaczmarczyk's class     Mrs Duggan's Class

Year 5:        Miss Carr's Class               Mr Sands Class                    Mr Kerigan's Class       

Year 6:        Mrs Stanswood's class      Miss Coyle's Class                Mrs Gough's Class  


Safer Internet Day

Date: 9th Feb 2016 @ 8:18pm

This week was Safer Internet Day, a day that is very important to our school and pupils. Safer Internet Day is run by the INSAFE network and is celebrated every year across Europe, and in other countries worldwide.

In the UK, Safer Internet Day is organised by the UK Safer Internet Centre (, and this year’s theme is “Play your part for a better internet".

We started the day with an assembly and looked more closely at ways we can be kind online. The E-Safety team talked about their experiences online and worked with Mrs Gough to present strategies and rules for using the Internet safely, following the SMART theme (see link below).

All classes followed the assembly with activities and further discussion in class. There is also a KS2 competition to design a logo and mascot for our E-Safety team, which will be running until 26th February. Please download your entry form below and return to school after the February half term holiday. GOOD LUCK!

Our school is commited to supporting pupils and parents in the safe use of technology. Please follow the link where more information and advice is provided - Online safety advice 


Youth Parliament Trip to Downing Street

Date: 8th Feb 2016 @ 10:32am

Mr Blain, Mrs Chambers and the Youth Parliament members of St. Vincent's made the wonderful trip down to London to visit 10 Downing Street.  Please follow this link to find out all about the wonderful day.

Contact the School

St Vincent's Catholic Primary School

Orchard Road,
WA15 8EY

Main Contact: Headteacher Mrs Harrop

SEND Contact: Mrs Farrell and Mrs Sutton

Tel: 0161 911 8040


We couldn't be happier with St Vincent's, our children are really happy there. - Parent Survey
It is a wonderful environment, our children are flourishing - Parent Survey
The school ethos gives the children excellent opportunities to develop their spirituality and knowledge of their faith. - Parent Survey
It is a really friendly school, I have been made to feel very welcome. - Parent Survey
We love St Vincent's, keep doing what you are doing! - Parent Survey
Pupil’s behaviour is exemplary, and they respect and care for all in the school community - Denominational Inspection
Ofsted Outstanding Provider Logo
School Games Platinum Award 2021/22-2022/23
CPD champion School
Primary Science Quality Mark 2021-2024
Dyslexia Aware 2022-2025
Diocese of Shrewsbury Logo
Music Mark School Member
United Against Bullying Silver School 2023
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Living Wage Foundation Logo
360 Safe Accredited Safer Online Logo
Primary Geography Quality Mark Gold 2021-24
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools- Silver Right Aware
Leading Parent Partnership Award 2021-2024
EDPA 2022-2025 Award
Trafford Council Inclusion Charter
Improving Children's Mental Health: Place 2 Be